Ecological System Influences in the Treatment of Pediatric Chronic Pain.

Ecological system influences in the treatment of pediatric chronic pain.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Pain Res Manag. 2012 Nov-Dec; 17(6): 407-11
Logan DE, Engle LB, Feinstein AB, Sieberg CB, Sparling P, Cohen LL, Conroy C, Driesman D, Masuda A

Family, school and the peer network each shape the chronic pain experience of the individual child, and each of these contexts also represents a domain of functioning often impaired by chronic pain. The goal of the present article is to summarize what is known about these bidirectional influences between children with pain and the social systems that surround them. Case reports that illustrate these complex, transactional forces and their ultimate impact on the child’s pain-related functioning are included. A case involving siblings participating in an intensive interdisciplinary program for functional restoration and pain rehabilitation highlights how parents change through this treatment approach and how this change is vital to the child’s outcomes. Another case involving a child undergoing intensive interdisciplinary treatment illustrates how school avoidance can be treated in the context of pain rehabilitation, resulting in successful return to the regular school environment. Finally, an acceptance and commitment therapy-focused group intervention for children with sickle cell disease and their parents demonstrates the benefits of peer contact as an element of the therapeutic intervention.
HubMed – rehab


Validation of a new questionnaire with generic and disease-specific qualities: The McGill COPD Quality of Life Questionnaire.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Can Respir J. 2012 Nov; 19(6): 367-72
Pakhale S, Wood-Dauphinee S, Spahija A, Collet JP, Maltais F, Bernard S, Baltzan M, Rouleau M, Bourbeau J,

A validated health-related quality of life questionnaire in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with advantages of both generic- and disease-specific questionnaires is needed to capture patients’ perspectives of severity and impact of the disease. The McGill COPD questionnaire was created to include these advantages in English and French. It assesses three domains: symptoms, physical function and feelings with 29 items (12 from the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey with 17 from the previously developed COPD-specific module).To evaluate the psychometric properties of this newly developed hybrid questionnaire in subjects with COPD.Data from a multicentre, prospective cohort study involving four hospitals with COPD subjects undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation were used. Patient evaluations included health-related quality of life (the new McGill COPD questionnaire, the St Georges Respiratory Questionnaire and the 36-item Short-Form Health Survey) and pulmonary function tests pre-and postrehabilitation. Reliability, validity and responsiveness were tested.The study included 246 COPD subjects (111 females) with a mean age of 66 years, 87% ex- and 8% current smokers (mean 61 pack-years) and mean forced expiratory volume in 1 s of 1.12 L (Global initiative for chronic Obstructive Lung Disease stages: 2, 27%; 3, 33%; and 4, 37%). Missing data were <2% and floor and ceiling effects were %%T::32%% Previous Smoker > Never Smoked (44.22 > 38.11 > 36.02, respectively). Pain scores and ODI scores had a direct correlation to workers compensation and litigation status. Workers compensation, litigation and smoking combined created even higher scores. There was no significant difference between previous smokers and nonsmokers.This study demonstrates that a history of smoking, workers compensation, and/or litigation, considered alone or worse, combined, negatively impacted outcomes for patients seeking treatment at our spine centers. For optimal outcomes in spine patients, cessation of smoking and treatment of attendant psychological and social factors prove critical.
HubMed – rehab



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