ED Update: January 21, 2012


ED Update: January 21, 2012 – http://ateenipeterson.blogspot.com Eating Recovery Center c/o Sloane Cox 8190 E. 1st St. Suite 105 Denver, CO 80230.


Dengue and Fogging in Southeast Asia
If one should get it, then being as healthy as possible should make it less severe with a quick recovery compared to a person eating lots of sugar and processed foods that weaken the body and immune system. … A Center review of the past 10 years … Read more on Tips from the T-List

Healthy nutrition key to happy life
… part of her recovery efforts. Maffett suffered from an eating disorder for a number of years and wants to help educate people on its effects through a new support group she has formed. Ty Kernea | Herald-Citizen …. As part of her continuing … Read more on Cookeville Herald Citizen