Evaluating the Use of an Assistive Listening Device for Communication Efficiency Using the Diapix Task: A Pilot Study.
Evaluating the Use of an Assistive Listening Device for Communication Efficiency Using the Diapix Task: A Pilot Study.
Folia Phoniatr Logop. 2013 May 23; 65(1): 25-31
McInerney M, Walden P
Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the effects of assistive listening device (ALD) use on communication efficiency in groups of elderly adults with and without hearing impairment during a structured language sampling task. The relationship between self-perceived hearing handicap and communication efficiency was also explored. Method: Twenty-two subjects completed measures of hearing sensitivity, perceived hearing handicap, cognition, and a language sample. One half of the hearing-impaired participants and one half of the normal-hearing group were randomly assigned to use an ALD during a structured conversation task with a naïve partner. Results: The Hearing Loss/No ALD group had significantly more breakdowns than the Hearing Loss/With ALD group. Further, the Hearing Loss/With ALD group performed statistically similar to the two groups without hearing loss. For the normal-hearing groups as well as the Hearing Loss/No ALD group, self-perceived hearing handicap was significantly correlated with the number of communication breakdowns. Conclusion: The results lent preliminary support for the use of ALDs in the management of hearing loss. A case for functional assessment of communication was made to better illuminate causes of perceived communication handicap in the aural rehabilitation of elderly persons with hearing impairment. HubMed – rehab
Pulmonary Rehabilitation Improves Cardiovascular Response to Exercise in COPD.
Respiration. 2013 May 23;
Ramponi S, Tzani P, Aiello M, Marangio E, Clini E, Chetta A
Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) has emerged as a recommended standard of care in symptomatic COPD. Objectives: We now studied whether PR may affect cardiovascular response to exercise in these patients. Methods: Twenty-seven patients (9 females aged 69 ± 8 years) with moderate-to-severe airflow obstruction admitted to a 9-week PR course performed a pre-to-post evaluation of lung function test and symptom-limited cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET). Oxygen uptake (VO2), tidal volume (VT), dyspnea and leg fatigue scores were measured during CPET. Cardiovas-cular response was assessed by means of oxygen pulse (O2Pulse), the oxygen uptake efficiency slope and heart rate recovery at the 1st min. Results: A significant increase in peak VO2 and in all cardiovascular parameters (p < 0.05) was found following PR when compared to baseline. Leg fatigue (p < 0.05), but not dyspnea, was significantly reduced after PR. When assessed at metabolic and ventilatory iso levels [% VCO2max and % minute ventilation (VEmax)], O2Pulse and VT were significantly higher (p < 0.05) at submaximal exercise (75 and 50% of VCO2max and VEmax) after PR when compared to baseline. VT percent changes at 75% VCO2max and 75% VEmax after PR significantly correlated with corresponding changes in O2Pulse (p < 0.01). Conclusions: In COPD patients, a PR training program improved the cardiovascular response during exercise at submaximal exercise independent of the external workload. This change was associated with an enhanced ventilatory function during exercise. HubMed – rehab
Rocker shoe, minimalist shoe, and standard running shoe: A comparison of running economy.
J Sci Med Sport. 2013 May 24;
Sobhani S, Bredeweg S, Dekker R, Kluitenberg B, van den Heuvel E, Hijmans J, Postema K
OBJECTIVES: Running with rocker shoes is believed to prevent lower limb injuries. However, it is not clear how running in these shoes affects the energy expenditure. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to assess the effects of rocker shoes on running economy in comparison with standard and minimalist running shoes. DESIGN: Cross-over design. METHODS: Eighteen endurance female runners (age=23.6±3 years), who were inexperienced in running with rocker shoes and with minimalist/barefoot running, participated in this study. Oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide production, heart rate and rate of perceived exertion were measured while participants completed a 6-min sub-maximal treadmill running test for each footwear condition. The data of the last 2min of each shoe condition were averaged for analysis. A linear mixed model was used to compare differences among three footwear conditions. RESULTS: Oxygen consumption during running with rocker shoes was on average 4.5% higher than with the standard shoes (p<0.001) and 5.6% higher than with the minimalist shoe (p<0.001). No significant differences were found in heart rate and rate of perceived exertion across three shoe conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Female runners, who are not experienced in running with the rocker shoes and minimalist shoes, show more energy expenditure during running with the rocker shoes compared with the standard and minimalist shoes. As the studied shoes were of different masses, part of the effect of increased energy expenditure with the rocker shoe is likely to be due to its larger mass as compared with standard running shoes and minimalist shoes. HubMed – rehab