Fatal outcome to lack of beds
Working group member David Forbes, from the University of WA's school of paediatrics and child health and PMH's eating disorders program, said WA was quite well-served by outpatient treatment options. Although many patients could be managed primarily … Read more on The West Australian
Girls on the Run preparing for 2014 season
Registration for the spring 2014 program begins on Jan. 8. Girls on the … "The objective is to educate and empower girls at an early age in order to prevent the display of at-risk activities, such as eating disorders and substance abuse," the news … Read more on Northwest Herald
Investigation of the effectiveness of the "Girls on the Go!" program for …
program delivered outside of the school environment by health professionals to girls at risk of developing poor self-esteem on the outcomes of self-esteem, impairment induced by eating disorders, body satisfaction, self-efficacy, and dieting behaviour. Read more on 7thSpace Interactive (press release)
How an eating disorder affects the way a person thinks
In this video, Renee Hoste, Ph.D., discusses how an eating disorder affects the way a person thinks. The University of Michigan Comprehensive Eating Disorder…