How Can I Calm Myself When in a Suicidal Mood?
Question by Helga: How can I calm myself when in a suicidal mood?
I get in moods where I just want to rip myself to pieces, or take every pill in the cupboard. I have no ways of calming down or taking my mind away from it. I have a friend who stays up all night to text me, trying to calm me, it often works quite well but I really don’t want to depend on her so much because it upsets her.
I can’t calm myself, what can I do to try?
Best answer:
Answer by sweet-talker
You sound very life the way I used to feel. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and am on some powerful meds that have saved my life. I would suggest talking to your doctor about the possibility of bipolar disorder and see if she can refer you to a psychiatrist who can prescribe some medicine to make you feel better.
Good Luck
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