How Do I Get My Cat to Eat Slower?
Question by Aislyn Myles: How do I get my cat to eat slower?
One of my cats has what I like to call an “eating disorder.” He eats his food waayyy too quickly and then runs over to my other cat’s bowl and starts trying to eat her food. He gets very aggressive when he’s around food, while she’s very calm and eats slightly on the fast side, but still normal. How do I get him to change his attitude towards food? Is there a way to make him eat slower, like his sister?
Best answer:
Answer by zoom0zoomozoom
do you give them canned cat meat, if so, you can goto dry food. they dont seem to get as excited about it.
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Nearly half of all Americans know someone with an eating disorder. Apply that to this campus, and that's an astounding number of students. It's an astounding number of people who need to know how to make their voice heard. Tomorrow marks the start of …
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