How Effective Is Kava Kava in Treating Anxiety and Depression?
Question by Lola: How effective is Kava Kava in treating anxiety and depression?
I was reading the information below that I found on the following website: And I was wondering how effective can this herb be in treating anxiety as well as depression. I thought that Kava Kava was only given for anxiety. I didn’t know people also take it for depression. Anyways, I just would like to know how well it works.
“Premium GSL ® Kava Kava is made from whole kava roots to produce the highest quality product. Kava is an all-natural, mild sedative that relaxes the body without harmful side effects. The active compound “kavalactones” acts as a muscle relaxant and sleep aid. It also helps to reduce anxiety, restlessness, and stress. It has become a popular botanical because it also works on the central nervous system and promotes relaxation to those suffering from anxiety or depression.”
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Answer by enchanted mermaid
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