How to Get Rid of Teenage Depression?

Question by Pooki Bear: How to get rid of teenage depression?
So, just about 7 years ago, (I was 7), My dad admitted to taking presciption drugs. We ( my mom and brother ) checked him into rehab. Three years after he was out of rehab. A year ago he overdosed and was in the hospital. After that we started having money issues. Now, we can barely afford our food bill. I am so depressed I quit my school colorguard bc i just felt like I was ugly and nothing. Ever since last year (esspecially right now) I just can barely get out of bed. I need help!

Best answer:

Answer by Jan C
Please discuss this with your parents. I feel sure there is mental health paid for by your State Gov. They usually charge according to the household income. Please contact Human Resources in your state. Please get treatment.

Answer by Lila O’donahue
After my dad died and ever since, I’ve been so depressed it’s unbearable sometimes. I see a therapist weekly and it helps sort of, but thinking to myself things like how so many people who’ve died in war or have been murdered would love to be alive right now so I should appreciate my life and make the best of it. Even when I’m feeling really down, I talk myself into hanging out with friends and perking up because I try to keep my mind off how I’m feeling. I also find that when I’m alone I start thinking about depressing things, so I try to keep myself surrounded by people. Remember, money isn’t everything and think of the positive things. At least you have your dad and he’s working to get better, he’s struggling too. I feel your pain.

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