I Can’t Do This Anymore, I Need Serious Help?
Question by Tyler: I can’t do this anymore, I need serious help?
Well first of all, last winter, I fell into a phase of depression and I was taking narcotics to numb the pain I was feeling inside, since my parents felt that depression and suicide were “It will Go Away Symptoms”, yet they didn’t know I was taking narcotics to help numb my pain.
Eventually I felt suicidal, and I didn’t want to commit suicide even though I was thinking about it a lot. So, one day last April, I went to my school counselor and a poured my tears out and told everything to her, and I was removed from school that day, and my mother came and found help. It worked for a while.
Now, I am falling into depression again, and I am starting to take narcotics often, I feel I need them sometimes when I feel emotionally hurt the most, and they just dull me out. The problem is, I know this is bad for me, but I can’t deal with my sadness within. I think I may have clinical depression. What can I do to help myself?
Best answer:
Answer by red top
get help from your local health dpt as to wher you can go for treatment
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Clinical Depression Symptoms In Men – www.clinicaldepressionsymptoms.net Clinical Depression Symptoms In Men- Why This Is More Than Just Down Periods For Male? – www.clinicaldepressionsymptoms.net
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