I Think Im Depressed How Can I Find Out Before Asking My Doctor?
Question by spongebobswife68: I think im depressed how can i find out before asking my doctor?
I have looked at “symptoms” and signs for this but I really want answers from people that have this or know of it. My dad has anxiety, can it be that? Im not too sure of it
Best answer:
Answer by crystal
sweetie who isn’t depressed,don’t start on drugs,not even zoloft..you sound more bored than anything…they say it’s not addictive but coming off was worse than going on…had major post partum depression…went through total hell weaning myself off…
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10 over-the-counter medicines abused by teens
Filed under: depression symptoms
Dextromethorphan is also addictive and can cause withdrawal symptoms, including depression and difficulty processing thoughts, when the abuse stops. Not much is known about long-term abuse, but cases of bone marrow and nerve cell damage, high …
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Well-educated parents more important than family unit
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And they were more than three times more likely to show depressive symptoms than mothers with a postgraduate education. Mothers who live with with their parents were half as likely as other mothers to suffer from depression or to smoke daily. One in …
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Current evidence suggests that physical activity can be useful for reducing the symptoms of depression, but previous examinations of research have not specifically looked at the benefits of walking for depression. In order to improve our understanding …
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