Identification of Environmental Parameters and Risk Mapping of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Ethiopia by Using Geographical Information Systems and a Statistical Approach.

Identification of environmental parameters and risk mapping of visceral leishmaniasis in Ethiopia by using geographical information systems and a statistical approach.

Geospat Health. 2013 May; 7(2): 299-308
Tsegaw T, Gadisa E, Seid A, Abera A, Teshome A, Mulugeta A, Herrero M, Argaw D, Jorge A, Aseffa A

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL), a vector-borne disease strongly influenced by environmental factors, has (re)-emerged in Ethiopia during the last two decades and is currently of increasing public health concern. Based on VL incidence in each locality (kebele) documented from federal or regional health bureaus and/or hospital records in the country, geographical information systems (GIS), coupled with binary and multivariate logistic regression methods, were employed to develop a risk map for Ethiopia with respect to VL based on soil type, altitude, rainfall, slope and temperature. The risk model was subsequently validated in selected sites. This environmental VL risk model provided an overall prediction accuracy of 86% with mean land surface temperature and soil type found to be the best predictors of VL. The total population at risk was estimated at 3.2 million according to the national population census in 2007. The approach presented here should facilitate the identification of priority areas for intervention and the monitoring of trends as well as providing input for further epidemiological and applied research with regard to this disease in Ethiopia. HubMed – rehab


“Phasic jaw motor episodes in healthy subjects with or without clinical signs and symptoms of sleep bruxism: a pilot study”. A critical commentary.

Sleep Breath. 2013 Jun 4;
Winocur E

HubMed – rehab


Alternative Sites for Intraoperative Monitoring of Cranial Nerves X and XII During Intracranial Surgeries.

J Clin Neurophysiol. 2013 Jun; 30(3): 275-9
Holdefer RN, Kinney GA, Robinson LR, Slimp JC

: During intracranial surgeries, cranial nerve (CN) X is most commonly monitored with electromyographic endotracheal tubes. Electrodes on these endotracheal tubes may be displaced from the vocal folds during positioning, and there is a learning curve for their correct placement. Cranial nerve XII is most commonly monitored with electrodes in the dorsum of the tongue, which are also prone to displacement because of their proximity to the endotracheal tube. A retrospective review was conducted of a consecutive series of 83 skull base surgeries using alternative sites for monitoring CN X and XII. On-going (spontaneous) and evoked electromyography (EMG) were obtained from the cricothyroid muscle for CN X and submental genioglossus for CN XII. Stimulation of CN X or XII evoked specific compound motor action potentials from these muscles, and well-defined on-going EMG was observed during tumor resection in the vicinity of CN X and XII. Volume-conducted responses from the adjacent platysma muscle during CN VII stimulation were identified by concomitant responses from the orbicularis oris and oculi. In conclusion, during skull base surgeries, CN X may be monitored with electrodes in the cricothyroid muscle and CN XII with electrodes in the submental genioglossus. These alternative sites are less prone to displacement of electrodes compared with the more commonly used EMG endotracheal tube and electrodes in the dorsum of the tongue. The cricothyroid muscle should not be used when the recurrent laryngeal nerve is at risk. HubMed – rehab


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Official diagnosis and treatment guidelines of the Czech Pneumological and Phthisiological Society; a novel phenotypic approach to COPD with patient-oriented care.

Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2013 May 24;
Koblizek V, Chlumsky J, Zindr V, Neumannova K, Zatloukal J, Zak J, Sedlak V, Kocianova J, Zatloukal J, Hejduk K, Pracharova S

BACKGROUND: COPD is a global concern. Currently, several sets of guidelines, statements and strategies to managing COPD exist around the world. METHODS: The Czech Pneumological and Phthisiological Society (CPPS) has commissioned an Expert group to draft recommended guidelines for the management of stable COPD. Subsequent revisions were further discussed at the National Consensus Conference (NCC). Reviewers’ comments contributed to the establishment of the document’s final version. Diagnosis. The hallmark of the novel approach to COPD is the integrated evaluation of the patient’s lung functions, symptoms, exacerbations and identifications of clinical phenotype(s). The CPPS defines 6 clinically relevant phenotypes: frequent exacerbator, COPD-asthma overlap, COPD-bronchiectasis overlap, emphysematic phenotype, bronchitic phenotype and pulmonary cachexia phenotype. Treatment. Treatment recommendations can be divided into four steps. 1(st) step = Risk exposure elimination: reduction of smoking and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), decrease of home and occupational exposure risks. 2(nd) step = Standard treatment: inhaled bronchodilators, regular physical activity, pulmonary rehabilitation, education, inhalation training, comorbidity treatment, vaccination. 3(rd) step = Phenotype-specific therapy: PDE4i, ICS+LABA, LVRS, BVR, AAT augmentation, physiotherapy, mucolytic, ABT. 4(th) step = Care for respiratory insufficiency and terminal COPD: LTOT, lung transplantation, high intensity-NIV and palliative care. CONCLUSION: Optimal treatment of COPD patients requires an individualised, multidisciplinary approach to the patient’s symptoms, clinical phenotypes, needs and wishes. The new Czech COPD guideline reflects and covers these requirements. HubMed – rehab