If I Fast for a Month How Many Pounds Will I Lose?

Question by Ellie :O: if i fast for a month how many pounds will i lose?
for religious reasons, thanks. ; )

Best answer:

Answer by chefgirl-ATL,Ga.
All of them, you can’t fast for a month and not end up in the hospital.

“The human body can go for an extended period of time without food (but not without water), especially if you have some body fat. People have gone for two weeks or more.

Note that it is not safe, and it is not an effective method of dieting. Your body will consume its own muscles for energy, your metabolism will be altered, and there will be other problems. Basically your body will find stuff e.g. muscle to survive off for a while. Then after eating EVERYTHING possible you will start to derteriorate…LITERALLY. Not eating is bad and will cause serious damage to your system and it will eventually stop working. Mine did and i had to go into hospital coz my heart stopped. Basically don’t do a “cool little experiment” to see how long coz your body and your mind will make a habit out of not eating and you will form an eating disorder and thats not fun.”


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