Integrating the Human Sciences to Evolve Effective Policies.
Integrating the Human Sciences to Evolve Effective Policies.
J Econ Behav Organ. 2013 Jun 1; 90(Suppl): S152-S162
Biglan A, Cody C
This paper describes an evolutionary perspective on human development and wellbeing and contrasts it with the model of self-interest that is prominent in economics. The two approaches have considerably different implications for how human wellbeing might be improved. Research in psychology, prevention science, and neuroscience is converging on an evolutionary account of the importance of two contrasting suites of social behavior-prosociality vs. antisocial behaviors (crime, drug abuse, risky sexual behavior) and related problems such as depression. Prosociality of individuals and groups evolves in environments that minimize toxic biological and social conditions, promote and richly reinforce prosocial behavior and attitudes, limit opportunities for antisocial behavior, and nurture the pursuit of prosocial values. Conversely, antisocial behavior and related problems emerge in environments that are high in threat and conflict. Over the past 30 years, randomized trials have shown numerous family, school, and community interventions to prevent most problem behaviors and promote prosociality. Research has also shown that poverty and economic inequality are major risk factors for the development of problem behaviors. The paper describes policies that can reduce poverty and benefit youth development. Although it is clear that the canonical economic model of rational self-interest has made a significant contribution to the science of economics, the evidence reviewed here shows that it must be reconciled with an evolutionary perspective on human development and wellbeing if society is going to evolve public policies that advance the health and wellbeing of the entire population. HubMed – depression
Dopamine transporter imaging with [123I]FP-CIT (DaTSCAN) in Parkinson’s disease with depressive symptoms: a biological marker for causal relationships?
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2013 Jul 6;
Grachev ID
Women Weigh In: Obese African American and White Women’s Perspectives on Physicians’ Roles in Weight Management.
J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 July-August; 26(4): 421-428
Chugh M, Friedman AM, Clemow LP, Ferrante JM
There is little qualitative research on the type of weight loss counseling patients prefer from their physicians and whether preferences differ by race.This qualitative study used semistructured, in-depth interviews of 33 moderately to severely obese white and African American women to elucidate and compare their perceptions regarding their primary care physician’s approach to weight loss counseling. Data were analyzed using a grounded theory approach and a series of immersion/crystallization cycles.White and African American women seemed to internalize weight stigma differently. African American participants spoke about their pride and positive body image, whereas white women more frequently expressed self-deprecation and feelings of depression. Despite these differences, both groups of women desired similar physician interactions and weight management counseling, including (1) giving specific weight loss advice and individualized plans for weight management; (2) addressing weight in an empathetic, compassionate, nonjudgmental, and respectful manner; and (3) providing encouragement to foster self-motivation for weight loss.While both African American and white women desired specific strategies from physicians in weight management, some white women may first need assistance in overcoming their stigma, depression, and low self-esteem before attempting weight loss. HubMed – depression
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