Question by Christine: Is their any ways you can make your hair grow faster?
My hair is to my shoulders and people say I have great healthy hair. But I want it to my hips and it isn’t growing that fast. I love my hair but I can’t do any thing with it. I wAnt to be able to braid it. And make it look cute and stuff. And my hair is wavy is their a way I can make it really long like in a month and make it a little more strait because I have to flatt iron it and if u answer thx all help is thanked 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Resident Heretic
No, you can’t make it grow faster. It will grow an average of 1/4″ a month. Flat-ironing your hair is BAD and will make it brittle and break off, and THAT will “slow” the growth (not really slow it, but as it grows from the roots, the other end will be breaking off_)
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