Job Situation Help About Nursing??

Question by Ohh la la!: job situation help about nursing??
I am currently a full time college student and I also have a full time job and a part time job. (I take two online classes and take the other two MWF so I don’t have to go to the campus everyday) I do admit that working everyday has taken a toll on my grades. They are not as good as I would like, but I’m still maintatining my grades to keep my scholarship.

Anyway, I currently work at a cell phone store and a clothing department store but I am going to school to become a nurse (*maybe* a doctor in the far future but that’s not my top priority right now). There is a rehabilitation center right in the area where my other two jobs are located. Is it possible for me to get a job there with only a high school diploma as my highest form of education at the moment? If so what are some things I would be doing there? I am wondering this because it relates to the field I want to go into so I think the experience would help(I do not plan on staying w/ cell phones, etc after college)

Best answer:

Answer by Julie T
Do you have your nursing assistant certification? That is an easy few week course you can take and would help you get a nursing related job. (Plus with clinicals, being a CNA will help SO MUCH!)
They MAY be able to hire you as a secretary, I am not sure.
The only thing you can do is walk over there and ask if there are any openings.
I do recommend becoming a certified nursing assistant. Even if you don’t work at the rehab center, even a casual on call position in a nursing home will help with patient care skills when it’s time for you to be graded for that stuff in clinicals.
Good luck!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!




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