Maps, Models, and Narratives: The Ways People Talk About Depression.
Maps, models, and narratives: the ways people talk about depression.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Qual Health Res. 2013 Jan; 23(1): 114-25
Kokanovic R, Butler E, Halilovich H, Palmer V, Griffiths F, Dowrick C, Gunn J
Many researchers within the social sciences, medicine, and humanities have examined the ways people talk and think about depression. In their research and published literature they have attempted to determine the theoretical frameworks and appropriate language for categorizing such concepts and understandings. Drawing from mental health and broader social science scholarship, in this article we examine three approaches to developing an inclusive understanding of depression experiences: explanatory models, exploratory maps, and illness narratives. Utilizing these terms in the analysis of a single dataset, we identified multiple conceptual terms with potential analytical validity. Furthermore, we argue that variable usage and meanings of these concepts among lay people might contribute to a shared understanding of depression between lay people and experts, and ultimately have positive consequences for clinical practice.
HubMed – depression
Desired mental health resources for urban, ethnically diverse, impoverished women struggling with anxiety and depression.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Qual Health Res. 2013 Jan; 23(1): 78-92
Doornbos MM, Zandee GL, Degroot J, Warpinski M
Depression and anxiety are mental health issues that disproportionately affect women-particularly when access to culturally sensitive care is limited. The purpose of this study was to identify mental health concerns in three urban, ethnically diverse, underserved, and impoverished neighborhoods using the ideological perspective of community-based participatory research. In the context of long-term partnerships between a department of nursing and these neighborhoods, we recruited 61 women aged 18 to 69 years and collected data via homogeneous focus groups comprised of Black, Hispanic, and White women, respectively. We conducted five of the focus groups in English and one in Spanish. The women perceived anxiety and depression as significant concerns for themselves, their families, and their communities. They used unique community resources to manage mental health issues and desired new resources, including support groups and education.
HubMed – depression
Life event stress and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): associations with mental well-being and quality of life in a population-based study.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
BMJ Open. 2012; 2(6):
Lu Y, Nyunt MS, Gwee X, Feng L, Feng L, Kua EH, Kumar R, Ng TP
To investigate whether life event stress was associated with greater psychological distress and poorer quality of life in older individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), in comparison with their counterparts without COPD.Cross-sectional study.A population-based sample (N=497) of individuals aged 65 and above with COPD (postbronchodilatation FEV1/FVC<0.70, N=136) and without COPD (N=277).We measured life event stress, depressive symptoms (GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale), cognitive symptoms and function (CFQ, Cognitive Failures Questionnaire and MMSE, Mini-Mental State Examination), and physical and mental health functional status (SF36-PCS, Physical Health Component Summary and SF36-MCS, Mental Health Component Summary) in participants with and without COPD.In two-way analysis of variance controlling for potential confounders, life event stress was associated with significant main effects of worse GDS (p<0.001), SF36-PCS (p=0.008) and SF36-MCS scores (p<0.001), and with significant interaction effects on GDS score (p<0.001), SF36-PCS (p=0.045) and SF36-MCS (p=0.034) in participants with COPD, more than in non-COPD participants. The main effect of COPD was found for postbronchodilator FEV1 (p<0.001) and cognitive symptoms (p=0.02).Our findings indicate that life event stress was associated with more depressive symptoms and worse quality of life in individuals with COPD, much more than in those without COPD. Further studies should explore the role of cognitive appraisal of stress, coping resources and psycho-social support in this relationship. HubMed – depression
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Active Treatment of Depression (Norton Professional Books)-ExLibrary
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Major Depression: Prevention and Treatment by Michael R. Lowry (1984, Hardcover)
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