Medical Complications of Eating Disorders in Children &

Medical Complications of Eating Disorders in Children & — BC Mental Health & Addictions Services.

Eating disorders awareness day planned at University of Huddersfield
We know that eating disorders can affect children as young as nine and boys as well as girls. “We need to let professionals know the symptoms and warning signs. We know that early diagnosis gives patients a better chance of recovery.” Cherie's daughter …
Read more on Huddersfield Examiner

The Girl Who Wouldn't Drink Water
One youth treatment program saw record levels of success once it began involving patients' families, but the “family factor” works both ways; studies show parents with eating disorders are more likely to pass behaviors onto their kids, and parents …
Read more on The Atlantic

Barbie and the Obsession to Look Like a Doll
The Barbie doll was developed based on the Bild Lilli doll which Handler saw in Germany, even though the Lilli doll was not directed towards children, but to adult men. She would carry tag lines such as whether … an obsession to look like an Barbie …
Read more on Guardian Liberty Voice