Mental Health Response to Community Disasters: A Systematic Review.
Mental health response to community disasters: a systematic review.
JAMA. 2013 Aug 7; 310(5): 507-18
North CS, Pfefferbaum B
Exposure to a disaster is common, and one-third or more of individuals severely exposed may develop posttraumatic stress disorder or other disorders. A systematic approach to the delivery of timely and appropriate disaster mental health services may facilitate their integration into the emergency medical response.To review and summarize the evidence for how best to identify individuals in need of disaster mental health services and triage them to appropriate care.Search of the peer-reviewed English-language literature on disaster mental health response in PsycINFO, PubMed, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Academic Search Complete, and Google Scholar (inception to September 2012) and PILOTS (inception to February 2013), using a combination of subject headings and text words (Disasters, Natural Disasters, Mental Health, Mental Health Programs, Public Health Services, Mental Disorders, Mental Health Services, Community Mental Health Services, Emergency Services Psychiatric, Emotional Trauma, Triage, and Response).Unlike physical injuries, adverse mental health outcomes of disasters may not be apparent, and therefore a systematic approach to case identification and triage to appropriate interventions is required. Symptomatic individuals in postdisaster settings may experience new-onset disaster-related psychiatric disorders, exacerbations of preexisting psychopathology, and/or psychological distress. Descriptive disaster mental health studies have found that many (11%-38%) distressed individuals presenting for evaluation at shelters and family assistance centers have stress-related and adjustment disorders; bereavement, major depression, and substance use disorders were also observed, and up to 40% of distressed individuals had preexisting disorders. Individuals with more intense reactions to disaster stress were more likely to accept referral to mental health services than those with less intense reactions. Evidence-based treatments are available for patients with active psychiatric disorders, but psychosocial interventions such as psychological first aid, psychological debriefing, crisis counseling, and psychoeducation for individuals with distress have not been sufficiently evaluated to establish their benefit or harm in disaster settings.In postdisaster settings, a systematic framework of case identification, triage, and mental health interventions should be integrated into emergency medicine and trauma care responses. HubMed – depression
Risk factors associated with suicide in current and former US military personnel.
JAMA. 2013 Aug 7; 310(5): 496-506
LeardMann CA, Powell TM, Smith TC, Bell MR, Smith B, Boyko EJ, Hooper TI, Gackstetter GD, Ghamsary M, Hoge CW
Beginning in 2005, the incidence of suicide deaths in the US military began to sharply increase. Unique stressors, such as combat deployments, have been assumed to underlie the increasing incidence. Previous military suicide studies, however, have relied on case series and cross-sectional investigations and have not linked data during service with postservice periods.To prospectively identify and quantify risk factors associated with suicide in current and former US military personnel including demographic, military, mental health, behavioral, and deployment characteristics.Prospective longitudinal study with accrual and assessment of participants in 2001, 2004, and 2007. Questionnaire data were linked with the National Death Index and the Department of Defense Medical Mortality Registry through December 31, 2008. Participants were current and former US military personnel from all service branches, including active and Reserve/National Guard, who were included in the Millennium Cohort Study (N?=?151,560).Death by suicide captured by the National Death Index and the Department of Defense Medical Mortality Registry.Through the end of 2008, findings were 83 suicides in 707,493 person-years of follow-up (11.73/100,000 person-years [95% CI, 9.21-14.26]). In Cox models adjusted for age and sex, factors significantly associated with increased risk of suicide included male sex, depression, manic-depressive disorder, heavy or binge drinking, and alcohol-related problems. None of the deployment-related factors (combat experience, cumulative days deployed, or number of deployments) were associated with increased suicide risk in any of the models. In multivariable Cox models, individuals with increased risk for suicide were men (hazard ratio [HR], 2.14; 95% CI, 1.17-3.92; P =?.01; attributable risk [AR], 3.5 cases/10,000 persons), and those with depression (HR, 1.96; 95% CI, 1.05-3.64; P =?.03; AR, 6.9/10,000 persons), manic-depressive disorder (HR, 4.35; 95% CI, 1.56-12.09; P =?.005; AR, 35.6/10,000 persons), or alcohol-related problems (HR, 2.56; 95% CI, 1.56-4.18; P <.001; AR, 7.7/10,000 persons). A nested, matched case-control analysis using 20:1 control participants per case confirmed these findings.In this sample of current and former military personnel observed July 1, 2001-December 31, 2008, suicide risk was independently associated with male sex and mental disorders but not with military-specific variables. These findings may inform approaches to mitigating suicide risk in this population. HubMed – depression
Excess mortality after disability retirement due to mental disorders: variations by socio-demographic factors and causes of death.
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2013 Aug 8;
Leinonen T, Martikainen P, Laaksonen M, Lahelma E
Mental disorders are the key causes of disability retirement and are associated with a high risk of mortality. Social variations in excess mortality after disability retirement are nevertheless poorly understood. We examined socio-demographic differences in all-cause and cause-specific mortality after disability retirement due to depression and other mental disorders.The data comprised a nationally representative sample of the Finnish population aged 25-64 in 1996 with no prior disability retirement due to mental disorders (N = 392,985). We used Cox regression analysis with disability retirement due to mental disorders as a time-varying covariate and mortality between 1997 and 2007 as the outcome variable.We found excess mortality after disability retirement due to mental disorders as compared to those with no such retirement in all specific causes of death, in particular alcohol-related causes, suicide, and other unnatural causes. Excess suicide mortality was particularly large after depression-based disability retirement. Younger age groups, non-manual classes, and those living with a partner and children had largest excess mortality, especially from unnatural and alcohol-related causes. However, the absolute number of excess deaths was not always largest in these socio-demographic groups.In young adulthood, disability retirement due to depression signifies severe health and other social disadvantages that lead to particularly large excess mortality, especially due to unnatural causes. The protective effects of a high socioeconomic position and family ties against unnatural and alcohol-related deaths are limited among those who have already developed depression or other mental disorders that have led to disability retirement. HubMed – depression
The effect of modafinil on fatigue, cognitive functioning, and mood in primary brain tumor patients: a multicenter randomized controlled trial.
Neuro Oncol. 2013 Aug 7;
Boele FW, Douw L, de Groot M, van Thuijl HF, Cleijne W, Heimans JJ, Taphoorn MJ, Reijneveld JC, Klein M
BackgroundFatigue, cognitive deficits, and depression are frequently reported but often undertreated symptoms that can profoundly affect daily life in patients with primary brain tumors (PBTs). To evaluate the effects of the psychostimulant modafinil on fatigue, depression, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and cognitive functioning in PBT patients, we performed a multicenter, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trial.MethodsPatients randomly received either 6 weeks of treatment with modafinil (up to 400 mg/day) or 6 weeks with placebo. After a 1-week washout period, the opposite treatment was provided. Assessments took place at baseline and immediately after the first and second condition. Patients completed self-report questionnaires on fatigue (Checklist Individual Strength [CIS]), depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale [CES-D]), HRQOL (Short-Form Health Survey [SF-36]), and self-perceived cognitive functioning (Medical Outcomes Study [MOS]). They also underwent comprehensive neurocognitive testing.ResultsIn total, 37 patients participated. Relative to baseline, patients reported lower fatigue severity (CIS) and better motivation (CIS) in both the modafinil (P = .010 and P = .021, respectively) and the placebo condition (P < .001 and P = .027, respectively). The same held for physical health (SF-36 Physical Component Summary score; P = .001 and P = .008, respectively), working memory (P = .040 and P = .043), and information processing capacity (P = .036 and P = .040). No improvement in depressive symptoms was found in either condition.ConclusionsModafinil did not exceed the effects of placebo with respect to symptom management. Patient accrual was slow, and relatively many patients dropped out during the trial, due mostly to side effects. Other, preferably nonpharmacologic intervention studies should be considered to improve symptom management of PBT patients. HubMed – depression
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