Michael’s House Drug & Alcohol Treatment & Rehab Facility Tour


Michael’s House Drug & Alcohol Treatment & Rehab Facility Tour – Krista Gilbert, CEO of Michael’s House Treatment Center, walks us through Michael’s House and introduces us to many of the staff. Michael’s House specializes in dual diagnosis treatment. It is located in Palm Springs, California.


Inflammation Medicine Could Treat Depression

Filed under: depression drug treatment

Researchers at Emory University have found that a medication that inhibits inflammation may offer new hope for people with difficult-to-treat depression. The study was published Sept. 3 in the online version of Archives of General Psychiatry …
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Can You Outsmart Addiction?

Filed under: depression drug treatment

Emotional intelligence has also been linked to lower rates of stress and depression and better overall satisfaction with life. Addiction doesn't care how smart you are or how much money you make. Your wits may serve you well in many areas of life, but …
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