Minimal Peptides Can Enhance Nanoparticle Drug Delivery by Inhibiting Phagocytic Clearance.
Minimal peptides can enhance nanoparticle drug delivery by inhibiting phagocytic clearance.
Nanomedicine (Lond). 2013 Apr; 8(4): 519
Potticary J
Synthesis and enhanced thermal stability of albumins@alumina: towards injectable sol-gel materials.
Chem Commun (Camb). 2013 May 16;
Rutenberg A, Vinogradov VV, Avnir D
A major obstacle to the introduction of bioactively-doped sol-gel based materials for medical applications has been the fact that silica – the most widely studied sol-gel material – despite being a GRAS material, which is widely used as an additive in foods and drug formulations, is still not approved by regulatory agencies for intramuscular injections. Here we point to a potential solution to this problem by shifting the weight to alumina, which is approved for injections as the most common immunization adjuvant. Towards the achievement of this goal we describe the development of protein entrapment methods tailored to alumina, and show high thermal stability of protein-dopants, using a newly developed DSC methodology for this purpose. HubMed – drug
Five different types of framing effects in medical situation: a preliminary exploration.
Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2013 Feb; 15(2): 161-5
Peng J, Li H, Miao D, Feng X, Xiao W
Considerable reports concerned the framing effect in medical situations. But quite few of them noticed to explore the differences among the various kinds of framing effects.In the present study, five different types of framing effects were examined and the effect sizes of them were compared.Medical decision making problems concerning medicine effect evaluation, patient’s compliance, treatment and doctor options selection were established. All the problems were described in both positive and negative frames. 500 undergraduates as participants were randomly divided into ten groups. Participants from each group were asked to finish one decision making task.ALL THE FRAMES THAT WERE EXAMINED LEADED TO SIGNIFICANT FRAMING EFFECTS: When the Asia Disease Problem was described in a positive frame, the participants preferred the conservative frame than the risky one, while if in a negative frame, the preference reversed (P < 0.01). If the drug effect was described as "of 100 patients taking this kind of medicine, 70 patients became better", people tended to make more positive evaluations, compared with described as "of 100 patients taking this kind of medicine, 30 patients didn't become better" (P < 0.01). Doctors' advices were respectively described in a baneful or beneficial frame and the former one resulted in a better compliance (P < 0.05). If treatment options were described with a survival rate, people tended to choose risky option, while if described with a mortality rate, people tended to choose conservative option (P < 0.05). The number sized framing effect was also tested to be significant (P < 0.01). The five types of framing effects were small to big in effect size.Medical decision making can be affected by frame descriptions. Attentions should be paid on the standardization of description in medical practice. HubMed – drug
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