Mom, It’s Not Your Fault


Mom, It’s Not Your Fault – NEDA (National Eating Disorders Association) brought the Mother’s Day piece I wrote to life in this video! We hope the video will encourage others that there is hope, there is a way out, and there is life after eating disorders. If you are struggling, take the first step by reaching out and asking for help. You can find a professional through NEDA at Also, call NEDA’s Information and Referral Helpline: 1-800-931-2237.


Asperger's syndrome removed from new psychiatrists' diagnostic guide

Filed under: eating disorders association

The clinical diagnosis for Asperger's syndrome will be removed in the next edition of the American Psychiatric Association psychiatrists' diagnostic guide. The fifth version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual … Other additions include binge …


Antibacterial Soap: Safe Suds or Snake Oil?

Filed under: eating disorders association

Meanwhile, as the FDA continues its glacial review process, several elected officials, consumer and environmental groups (including the Natural Resources Defense Council, which publishes OnEarth), and even the American Medical Association — all of …
Read more on OnEarth Magazine


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