Night Sweats and Eating Disorders…?
by wallygrom
Question by bob: night sweats and eating disorders…?
ok i started having night sweats last month for like 3-4 days and then they stopped. 2 days ago, i started having them again. i sorta have a problem with bulimia and i notice that i get them like the night after i purge. I also sometimes go through periods where i eat the right amount of food and im fine, but sometimes i don’t eat enough or barely anything at all. Thats how i am right now, but im sure it won’t last long. But anyway ive been purging the last couple of days(not today) and last night i had the worst night sweats like all night. I even started getting them now too. I actually lost a pound and a half yesterday from this. What is this from?
oh btw, im also only 15…
my mom said they could be caused by hormone changes, and i heard that bulimia can mess up hormones, could that be it?
Best answer:
Answer by jaimee c
yeh bulimia and other ED’s can def cause this and tonnes of other side effects such as rotting your teeth and ruining your stomach lining. if u can u should really try and get some help while your young… it’s not something you want to live with
it’s easy for people to just say don’t throw up, just walk. but they don’t know what they’re talking about. just b careful
Answer by Gabe
Well you do know that not eating rips apart your internal organs dont you?
Night sweats are often caused by 2 things – Sleep Apnea and Night Seizures. Yes, you can have them in your sleep.
Sleep Apnea sounds like it would be it. Sleep Apnea, your heart stops when you sleep. Since you dont eat, or since you purge like that, your heart is being torn apart for energy, so it stops.
Seizures, well, your not eating so its causing the rest of your body to mess up. If you do not stop this you Will eventually die.
Night eating syndrome and obesity — Interview with Jennifer Lundgren, Psychology, University of Missouri Kansas City Directed by Paul Boisvert, PhD Produced by the CIHR Obesity Research Chair.
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