[Nutritional State and Shortcoming of Micronutrients on Schooled Youth’s Diet on the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara Jalisco].
[Nutritional state and shortcoming of micronutrients on schooled youth’s diet on the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara Jalisco].
Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2012 Jun; 62(2): 161-6
Valdez López RM, Fausto Guerra J, Valadez FI, Ramos Ramos A, Loreto Garibay O, Villaseñor Farias M
The adolescence is a stage of high nutritional risk due to the increased requirements, changes in eating habits and potential risk. There are documented evidence of micronutrient deficiency among the population of Mexico. To evaluate the nutritional status and micronutrient deficiencies in the diet of adolescents. The sample consisted of 307 adolescents. We analyzed the body composition by using anthropometric indicators. To determine the intake of micronutrients, the 24 hours reminder and software Mexfoods were used. The percentages that indicate adequate intake were classified according to the following breakpoints: Below minimum requirements, when intake was < 50%; minimum requirements covered > or = 50% and < 75%; and exceed minimum requirements when it was > or = 75%. The BMI indicated that 21.8% of students of both sexes showed malnutrition and the prevalence of overweight and obesity was 27.9%. The micronutrient intake results indicated significant deficiencies in iron (p = 0.002), zinc (p = 0.000) and calcium (p = 0.002). The B-complex vitamins were those that had lower failure rates. We identified that the diet of adolescents has significant micronutrient deficiencies and that adolescent girls resulted with the major deficiencies. It is urgent to develop strategies, to reduce the problems of food deficit in adolescents. HubMed – eating
[Association between body mass index and risk feeding behaviors to develop eating disorders in Mexican adolescents].
Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2012 Jun; 62(2): 145-54
Sámano R, Zelonka R, Martínez-Rojano H, Sánchez-Jiménez B, Ramírez C, Ovando G
The body self-perception and its dissatisfaction are related with the risk for developing abnormal eating behaviors (AEB), especially in eating disorders (ED) in adolescents. The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between dietary habits and the risk for AEB and their association with body mass index (BMI) in a group of adolescents in the metropolitan area of Mexico City. It was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted with a sample of 671 adolescents, both sex, between 12 and 15 years. A validated questionnaire was used to assess the risk for developing AEB. BMI was obtained, and information from the practice and knowledge of food consumption was available. The prevalence of the risk for developing AEB in this study was 12%. It showed that 48% of participants were overweight or obese, 20% did not eat breakfast, 16% took their food without doing other activity simultaneously (p = 0.012). The variables associated with the risk AEB, for developing of ED were doing any activity simultaneously with food intake (OR: 4.23 p = 0.006), overweight-obesity (OR: 2.59 p = 0001), eating without company (OR: 2.04 p = 0.005), not eating fruit (OR: 1.96 = 0.008) or milk (OR:1.79 p = 0.026), being female (OR: 1.74 p = 0.024) and skipping breakfast (OR: 1.57 p = 0,035). Food intake differed with what themselves recommended being healthy, which was lower in vegetables, fruits, leguminous and higher in sugars, fats and soda. We conclude there is a relationship between BMI and the risk for developing AEB. There was no consistency between what adolescents say they should eat to be healthy and what they eat. HubMed – eating
[Dietary factors and their relation to appetite in children under two years with mild malnutrition].
Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2012 Jun; 62(2): 137-44
Quijada MM, Gutiérrez ML
Malnutrition is conditioned by a series of factors, among them the dietary factors, which include appetite, eating behaviors and habits. In order to assess these factors, the following objective was pursued: describe the dietary factors and their relation to appetite in children under two years of age with mild malnutrition. A correlational study was conducted. The sample consisted of all children under two years of age (n = 168) diagnosed with primary (mild) malnutrition, who attended consultation at the Centro de Atención Nutricional Infantil Antímano, CANIA, during the period 2000-2008. The results showed intake of energy and macronutrients was lower than the individual requirement; iron intake < 85% of the requirement, in accordance with the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) in over 50% of the sample; weekly consumption of vegetables (57%) and miscellaneous (66%) was inadequate; inadequate intake of formula and whole milk in more than 60%; 9% were exclusively breastfed during the first six months; 64% lacked a regular eating place; in child-caregiver interaction during mealtimes, more than half of the children showed rebellious behavior and caregivers were permissive. Protein adequacy, vegetable and whole milk consumption frequency, preparation type, identification of refusals and preferences, place and duration of meals, and child-caregiver interaction at mealtimes were significantly associated with appetite; if we consider this last one as a guide and we try to modify inadequate eating behaviors and habits, we will generate an impact over the child appetite that could improve the food consumption and prevent malnutrition. HubMed – eating
Nutritional guidelines for school lunch programs: a survey of islamic schools and recommendations for creating a culture of healthful eating.
J IMA. 2011 Jul; 43(2): 48-57
Khan S, Saeed Z, Diwan HH, Hussain I, Amer S, Haq MM
To determine the status of lunch programs in Islamic schools in the United States and develop recommendations for improving them.The Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) conducted a survey of lunch programs by mailing questionnaires to 100 Islamic schools in the United States. Muslims in Dietetics and Nutrition (MIDAN) developed lunch menus using American and ethnic foods conforming to nationally recommended guidelines.Forty-eight Islamic schools responded to the survey, revealing that 20 schools follow guidelines and only six have dietitians advising on menu planning. Based on this survey, IMANA, with the assistance of MIDAN, has developed a summary of guidelines that schools can follow. These guidelines include sample menus of American and ethnic foods, recommendations for creating a n environment for healthful eating, and sources for funding school lunch programs.IMANA and MIDAN, recognizing the scientific significance and religious relevance of a nutritious diet, have developed these recommendations. This information is provided to aid Islamic schools in implementing guidelines for nutritionally balanced school lunch menus and in creating a culture that fosters a healthful lifestyle. HubMed – eating