PART5 Alcoholism and Diet Talk at Hawthorn University
PublishedJanuary 3, 2013
PART5 Alcoholism and Diet Talk at Hawthorn University – Join Chef Of The People Nathan Donahoe ( as he gives a talk at Hawthorn University ( on his experience of working as Executive Chef and nutritionist at drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers in Malibu California. Learn such juicy tidbits as what organic, natural foods help heal alcoholism and addiction and what foods hurt.
Men on the street
Filed under:drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers
Well-coiffed, smartly dressed in a blazer over a sweater, Allen doesn't have the look of a man who lives in his car and depends on the facilities at the Sherwood YMCA to maintain his hygiene regimen. Once securely employed in construction, Allen was … Read more on Portland Tribune