Patients with Tough-to-Treat Depression – Unfortunately, some 1/3 of depression patients don’t get relief even after trying 2-4 antidepressant medications. Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, says there are several reasons behind tough-to-treat depression and provides additional depression treatment options. For comprehensive information on depression, visit the Depression Information Center:
Light boxes to brighten veteran home
Filed under:depression treatment options
Staff members at the New Hampshire Veterans Home in Tilton were working to look beyond medication to treat depression and other issues when a local motorcycle retailer offered to raise money to help the home last fall. After matching and adding to … Read more on Nashua Telegraph
Scots doctors to pioneer trial of stroke treatment
Filed under:depression treatment options
SCOTS doctors are to embark on a pioneering trial of technology similar to that used to manage depression and epilepsy in an attempt to 'rewire' the brains of stroke victims. SCOTS doctors are to embark on a pioneering trial of technology similar to … Read more on Herald Scotland
Common ground: More than changes in law needed to curb gun violence
Filed under:depression treatment options
Is someone who has been successfully treated for depression by a doctor or hospital mentally ill? If they are declared cured or their illness is under control, would that be sufficient to allow them to purchase a weapon? I don't like the president's … Read more on Baxter Bulletin