Perinatal Depression: Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment – Michael W. O’Hara, PhD
Perinatal Depression: Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment – Michael W. O’Hara, PhD –
Brief Screening Tools Can Improve Patient Care
Filed under: depression screening
Validated in about 10,000 patients, the PHQ-9 screens against 9 DSM criteria for major depressive disorder. It is a self-administered and brief scale. The PHQ-9 can help with probable diagnosis and can help rule out bipolar disorder, acute grief, and …
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Checking Up on Your Mental Health
Filed under: depression screening
One tool I mentioned in the story was created by a nonprofit group and is called Screening for Mental Health. It grew out of the first National Depression Screening Day, held each year in October. As part of my reporting, I interviewed Sam Rhodes, a …
Read more on New York Times (blog)
Severity, Duration of Teen Depression Help Predict Remission
Filed under: depression screening
The results are important because the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended in 2009 that teens be screened for depression in primary care settings. The goal of the study is to avoid unnecessary treatment for those with temporary symptoms.
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