Postdural Puncture Headache in Migraineurs and Nonheadache Subjects: A Prospective Study.
Postdural puncture headache in migraineurs and nonheadache subjects: A prospective study.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Neurology. 2013 Feb 6;
van Oosterhout WP, van der Plas AA, van Zwet EW, Zielman R, Ferrari MD, Terwindt GM
OBJECTIVES: To prospectively assess 1) the incidence and duration of postdural puncture headache (PDPH) in migraineurs and healthy subjects; 2) the associated risk factors; and 3) the risk of getting a migraine attack shortly before or after lumbar puncture (LP). METHODS: As part of an extensive biochemical migraine research program, we assessed the occurrence, duration, and characteristics of PDPH in 160 migraineurs and 53 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. In addition, we evaluated potential risk factors for PDPH as well as the risk of developing a migraine attack before or after LP. RESULTS: In total, 64 of 199 subjects (32.2%) developed PDPH. Young age, low body mass index, severe headache immediately after LP, and sitting sampling position, but not being a migraineur, increased the risk of PDPH (all p < 0.05). Duration of PDPH was prolonged by history of depression, sitting sampling position, high perceived stress during the LP procedure, and multiple LP efforts (all p < 0.05). Migraine attacks were less likely to occur before or shortly after LP. CONCLUSIONS: Migraineurs are not at increased risk of developing PDPH. PDPH duration is similar in migraineurs and age- and sex-matched controls. LP does not trigger migraine attacks, and the stress of an upcoming LP might even have a protective effect against onset of migraine attacks. HubMed – depression
Mild Depressive Symptoms Are Associated with Gait Impairment in Early Parkinson’s Disease.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Mov Disord. 2013 Feb 6;
Lord S, Galna B, Coleman S, Burn D, Rochester L
The association between nonmotor characteristics and gait in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is well established, particularly the role of cognition. Evidence is emerging that depression, an underrecognized symptom in PD is also associated with gait impairment. This cross-sectional study examined the association between depressive symptomatology and gait in early PD. Depression was measured with the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), disease severity with the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale III, and cognition with the Mini Mental Status Examination. Gait speed and gait variability were measured using a 7-m walkway (GAITRite). Linear regression was used to examine the association between depression and gait for PD and controls, controlling for age, cognition, and severity. PD participants who presented with clinically relevant depressive symptoms (GDS ? 5) were compared with those who scored < 5. One hundred and twenty-two people with newly diagnosed PD and 184 controls were assessed. Depression scores were significantly higher for PD patients than for controls (P < .001), although neither group presented with clinically relevant symptomatology (mean [SD] for PD, 2.7 [2.3]; for controls, 1.1 [1.8]). For gait speed there was a main effect for depression (P < .001) and a group × depression interaction that approached significance (P = .054). For gait variability there was a main effect for depression (P < .01). PD participants with GDS scores ? 5 had a slower and more variable gait. Very mild depressive symptoms are associated with gait disturbance in early PD. Depression may be a marker for degeneration in nondopaminergic systems in early PD and influence mechanisms of gait disturbance. © 2013 Movement Disorder Society. HubMed – depression
Marital and Coparenting Relationships: Associations With Parent and Child Symptoms of ADHD.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Atten Disord. 2013 Feb 6;
Williamson D, Johnston C
Objective: To examine relations between symptoms of ADHD and reports of marital and coparenting functioning. Method: Parents of 8- to 12-year-old boys with (n = 26) and without (n =38) ADHD participated. Results: Although mothers of children with ADHD had the highest levels of ADHD symptoms, their symptoms were typically not related to measures of the couples’ functioning, particularly when controlling for family ADHD and comorbidities. Father ADHD symptoms were related to their reports of couple functioning, and fathers’ ADHD symptoms were associated with their negative attributions for their wives’ behavior, even with child and mother ADHD controlled. However, when fathers’ depression and hostility symptoms were controlled, these were more important predictors of the attributions than ADHD symptoms. Conclusion: It is important to consider parental levels of ADHD symptoms in the context of other family members’ symptoms as well as other forms of psychopathology. (J. of Att. Dis. 2012; XX(X) 1-XX).
HubMed – depression

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