Rehab Centers: The Role of Hip Abductor and External Rotator Muscle Strength in the Development of Exertional Medial Tibial Pain: A Prospective Study.

The role of hip abductor and external rotator muscle strength in the development of exertional medial tibial pain: a prospective study.

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Br J Sports Med. 2013 Feb 8;
Verrelst R, Willems TM, Clercq DD, Roosen P, Goossens L, Witvrouw E

OBJECTIVE: To prospectively identify proximal risk factors contributing to the development of exertional medial tibial pain (EMTP). METHODS: Data were prospectively collected on healthy female students in physical education, who were freshmen in 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. 95 female students, aged 18.15±0.84, were tested at the beginning of their first academic year. Testing included isokinetic hip strength measurements of the abductors, adductors, internal rotators and external rotators. The follow-up of the individulas was assessed using a weekly online questionnaire and a 3-monthly retrospective control questionnaire. EMTP was diagnosed by an experienced MD (Doctor of Medicine). Cox regression analysis was used to identify the potential risk factors for the development of EMTP. RESULTS: 21 individuals were diagnosed with EMTP during follow-up. The results of this study identified that decreased hip abductor concentric strength is a predictive parameter for the development of EMTP in females. More specifically, total work (p=0.010) and average power (p=0.045) for concentric abduction strength were found to be significant predictors for this lower leg overuse injury. CONCLUSIONS: Hip abductor weakness is a significant predictor for EMTP in women. Preventive screening methods for EMTP should therefore include this proximal contributing factor.
HubMed – rehab


Detection of abnormal muscle activations during walking following spinal cord injury (SCI).

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Res Dev Disabil. 2013 Feb 2; 34(4): 1226-1235
Wang P, Low KH, McGregor AH, Tow A

In order to identify optimal rehabilitation strategies for spinal cord injury (SCI) participants, assessment of impaired walking is required to detect, monitor and quantify movement disorders. In the proposed assessment, ten healthy and seven SCI participants were recruited to perform an over-ground walking test at slow walking speeds. SCI participants were given assistance from physiotherapists, if required, while they were walking. In agreement with other research, larger cadence and smaller step length and swing phase of SCI gait were observed as a result of muscle weakness and resultant gait instability. Muscle activation patterns of seven major leg muscles were collected. The EMG signal was processed by the RMS in frequency domain to represent the muscle activation power, and the distribution of muscle activation was compared between healthy and SCI participants. The alternations of muscle activation within the phases of the gait cycle are highlighted to facilitate our understanding of the underlying muscular activation following SCI. Key differences were observed (p-value=0.0006) in the reduced activation of tibialis anterior (TA) in single stance phase and rectus femoris (RF) in swing phase (p-value=0.0011). We can then conclude that the proposed assessment approach of gait provides valuable information that can be used to target and define therapeutic interventions and their evaluation; hence impacting the functional outcome of SCI individuals.
HubMed – rehab


Dependence of psychophysical threshold on rate of applied force to the upper first molar in humans.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Arch Oral Biol. 2013 Feb 7;
Oki K, Shirahige C, Maeda N, Sakamoto S, Kumazaki Y, Mikamo S, Miyazaki T, Yamamoto Y, Minagi S

OBJECTIVE: The study aims to investigate the dynamic perception of a force applied to the upper first molar for different rates of force increase. DESIGN: Six volunteers (four male and two female; mean age, 27.2±2.4 years) with full natural dentition (except for the third molars) participated in this study. The psychophysical threshold for a force applied to the right maxillary first molar and the reaction time corresponding to each threshold were measured for rate of force increase of 103.74, 236.23, 354.58, 478.22 and 584.63mNs(-1). The physical impulse, which is the integral of force over time, was calculated for each threshold. RESULTS: Psychophysical thresholds in the upper first molar increased with the rate of force increase. The reaction time corresponding to each threshold decreased with increasing force rate. Impulses corresponding to each threshold were independent of force rate. CONCLUSIONS: In the present study, the psychophysical threshold for a force applied to a molar tooth was shown to change depending on the rate of increase of the exerted force. From the viewpoint of the impulse, the dissipated energy necessary to reach the psychophysical sensation threshold was almost constant, regardless of the rate of force increase.
HubMed – rehab


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