Relationship Between Affective Symptoms and Malnutrition Severity in Severe Anorexia Nervosa.
Relationship between Affective Symptoms and Malnutrition Severity in Severe Anorexia Nervosa.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
PLoS One. 2012; 7(11): e49380
Mattar L, Huas C, Group E, Godart N
Very few studies have investigated the relationship between malnutrition and psychological symptoms in Anorexia Nervosa (AN). They have used only body weight or body mass index (BMI) for the nutritional assessment and did not always report on medication, or if they did, it was not included in the analysis of results, and they did not include confounding factors such as duration of illness, AN subtype or age. The present study investigates this relationship using indicators other than BMI/weight, among which body composition and biological markers, also considering potential confounders related to depression and anxiety.155 AN patients, (DSM-IV) were included consecutively upon admission to inpatient treatment. Depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviours and social functioning were measured using various scales. Nutritional status was measured using BMI, severity of weight loss, body composition, and albumin and prealbumin levels.No correlation was found between BMI at inclusion, fat-free mass index, fat mass index, and severity of weight loss and any of the psychometric scores. Age and medication are the only factors that affect the psychological scores. None of the psychological scores were explained by the nutritional indicators with the exception of albumin levels which was negatively linked to the LSAS fear score (p?=?0.024; beta?=?-0.225). Only the use of antidepressants explained the variability in BDI scores (p?=?0.029; beta?=?0.228) and anxiolytic use explained the variability in HADs depression scores (p?=?0.037; beta?=?0.216).The present study is a pioneer investigation of various nutritional markers in relation to psychological symptoms in severely malnourished AN patients. The clinical hypothesis that malnutrition partly causes depression and anxiety symptoms in AN in acute phase is not confirmed, and future studies are needed to back up our results.
HubMed – depression
New apterodontinae (hyaenodontida) from the eocene locality of dur at-talah (libya): systematic, paleoecological and phylogenetical implications.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
PLoS One. 2012; 7(11): e49054
Grohé C, Morlo M, Chaimanee Y, Blondel C, Coster P, Valentin X, Salem M, Bilal AA, Jaeger JJ, Brunet M
The African Hyaenodontida, mainly known from the Late Eocene and Early Oligocene Fayum depression in Egypt, show a very poor diversity in oldest Paleogene localities. Here we report new hyaenodontidans found in the late Middle Eocene deposits of Dur At-Talah (Central Libya), known to have recorded the earliest radiation of African anthropoids. The new hyaenodontidan remains are represented by dental and postcranial specimens comprising the historical material discovered by R.J.G. Savage in the last century and that of the recent Franco-Libyan campaigns. This material includes two apterodontines, in particular a subcomplete skeleton of Apterodon langebadreae nov. sp., bringing new postcranial elements to the fossil record of the genus Apterodon. Anatomical analysis of the postcranial remains of Dur At-Talah suggests a semi-aquatic lifestyle for Apterodon, a completely unusual locomotion pattern among hyaenodontidans. We also perform the first cladistic analysis of hyaenodontidans including apterodontines: Apterodon and Quasiapterodon appear close relatives to “hyainailourines”, in particular to the African Oligo-Miocene Metasinopa species. Apterodon langebadreae nov. sp. could be the most primitive species of the genus, confirming an African origin of the Apterodontinae and a further dispersion event to Europe before the early Oligocene. These data enhance our knowledge of early hyaenodontidan diversification into Africa and underline how crucial is the understanding of their evolutionary history for the improvement of Paleogene paleobiogeographic scenarii.
HubMed – depression
Application of polyunsaturated fatty acids in internal medicine: beyond the established cardiovascular effects.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
Arch Med Sci. 2012 Nov 9; 8(5): 784-93
Cicero AF, Reggi A, Parini A, Borghi C
n-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are organic acids, essential for mammals, whose deficiency is associated with different diseases. The American Heart Association recommends that all adults increase food-derived n-3 PUFA intake and also suggests that patients with documented coronary heart disease consume approximately 1 g of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid per day. However, recent evidence broadens their potential application to many other health disorders directly or indirectly associated with cardiovascular disease risk such as rheumatological diseases, mood depression, chronic kidney disease, chronic inflammatory lung diseases and others. These effects seem to be largely dependent on the dosages employed and on the characteristics of the selected patients. The cardiometabolic effects of PUFAs have been largely reviewed elsewhere, so the aim of our review is to point out the potential usefulness of such drugs with pleiotropic effects in the management of the actual typical aging patient, with co-morbidities and multidrug therapies.
HubMed – depression
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