Scottsdale Substance Abuse | Diebold Behavioral Counseling


Scottsdale Substance Abuse | Diebold Behavioral Counseling – Scottsdale Substance Abuse and Counseling Services We can certainly say that we all lose our way from time to time. It’s difficult to seek help, especially once we are hurt. As Director of Diebold Behavioral Counseling, I can relate to tough times, and that’s what it’s all about, relating to our clients. Clarity, honesty and compassion are the hallmarks of a top-notch behavioral health provider and Scottsdale Substance Abuse specialist. We provide counseling for: Scottsdale Substance Abuse Drug and Alcohol Dependency We provide counseling services to manage stress and anger without drugs and alcohol. Multi-disciplinary treatment approach includes 12-Step AA support and other disciplines such as Rational Recovery. DUI Guidance and Court Mandated Counseling (see Services above) DUI Defense Team: This service includes a renowned DUI attorney, a blood analysis expert and a behavioral health therapist. (See Services above) Other important treatment services include: PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: I am a Vietnam Era Veteran and have expertise with feelings of trauma, grief and loss. Allow a fellow veteran to help you in this tough time of need. Trust in counseling requires courage, particularly after we’ve observed too much


Knowing when to draw the line

Filed under: drug and alcohol counseling

Amanda Krentz, University Health and Counseling Services alcohol and other drug abuse educator, said binge drinking can also be defined by the number of drinks an individual has consumed. If a female consumes four drinks in less than two hours, then …
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Narconon Rehab Deaths

Filed under: drug and alcohol counseling

"They didn't teach you anything about drug rehab, counseling about drugs, counseling about why do you use drugs," said Shirley Anne Gilliam. "It was about reading the books of L. Ron Hubbard and studying Scientology." Shirley Anne …. However, it s …
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