Should I Find an Online Friend?

Question by Caleb R: should i find an online friend?
I’ve been having some personal problems, and recently its been hard keeping it all inside. This led to cutting, and a very deep depression. My mom is the only one who knows about these problems, as i had to be prescribe antidpepressants. Should i get an online friend, to talk, and let it out? Im pretty open to talk to whomever, as i dont think i can talk to my friends about these problems im having. If anyone wants to chat, my msn is [email protected].

Best answer:

Answer by ozpy3
Other people who are looking for on line friends don’t usually just want to be used as a never ending earhole. You would be better talking it out with a therapist or self help group.

Search for “BPD support” you might be surprised at the amount of stuff available. There could well be other members who understand what you are going thru and keen to chat.

Answer by Joe
You should call like a teen hotline. but I don’t know where you live so i don’t know the number. or you could just throw yourself out there and overcome your fears. You’ll make plenty of friends and you’ll know which ones you can talk to about your problems. Sometimes talking to a complete stranger doesn’t necessarily help.

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