Should I Tell Others That I Suffer From Depression?
Question by Esse Est Percipi: Should I tell others that I suffer from depression?
I have major depression, and I struggle with the dilemma of whether, for what reason, and to whom I should disclose this information. I am hesitant to tell others because I’m afraid that it wall negatively reflect on our relationship and that they will view identify me as “the one with depression”.
What are the reasons for telling others?
Greatly appreciate your thoughts on this.
Best answer:
Answer by takuyakanbara29
By right,you should tell others about your dilemma because it hurts even more if you are suffering it all alone.You would think that it’s a burden to share your problem to people but it’s not.No one would identify you as the one with depression because in this world no one was born perfect and if they could not accept the fact just forget it.This really rely mostly upon yourself if you want to open yourself open to someone who you really trust.Your friends,colleagues or also your family.If your trust don’t fall under these three categories you can always go to a counselor that is always available for you anywhere.
From my own personal experience,I once had a dilemma and face it all alone because I never really trust anyone back then.Once I given my trust to them,they betray me back either face to face or behind my back.So as my life goes on with that problems I’m holding on not letting go because I felt that if I did I would bring burden to the rest for sharing that weight for me and soon enough I would break down several times yet people would always stares at me blankly.They don’t bother to help me during that time as I was like someone who don’t really fit in in those community.
It’s all right to have a depression once in a while and people do need help when curing one.It might not be easy and it also takes up a lot of your courage and confidence just to handle it.You said that it might affect our relationship well actually it won’t.People always look by what they see and take it as that’s that.In the relationship,you held out something important your happiness and also in a relationship it have its up and down.
Hope it helps you
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