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- Category: Addiction Rehab (continued)
- Addiction Rehab: Parity and Out-of-Pocket Spending for Children With High Mental Health or Substance Abuse Expenditures.
- Addiction Rehab: Perioperative pain therapy in opioid abuse.
- Addiction Rehab: Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor-?/Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1? Interplay Sustains Carbonic Anhydrase IX and Apoliprotein E Expression in Breast Cancer Stem Cells.
- Addiction Rehab: PET imaging of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5).
- Addiction Rehab: Polypharmacy reviews among elderly populations project: assessing needs in patient-provider communication.
- Addiction Rehab: Post-retrieval extinction as reconsolidation interference: methodological issues or boundary conditions?
- Addiction Rehab: Predictive validity of treatment allocation guidelines on drinking outcome in alcohol-dependent patients.
- Addiction Rehab: Premenstrual Syndrome and Self-Medication With Opioids.
- Addiction Rehab: Prevalence and Nature of Criminal Offending in a National Sample of Veterans in VA Substance Use Treatment Prior to the Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom Conflicts.
- Addiction Rehab: Project ECHO: a model for complex, chronic care in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States.
- Addiction Rehab: Psychophysiological prediction of choice: relevance to insight and drug addiction.
- Addiction Rehab: Regulation of BDNF expression by cocaine.
- Addiction Rehab: Rid Your Addiction At "A New Day" Alcohol Rehab Florida -
- Addiction Rehab: Risk assessment and counseling behaviors of healthcare professionals managing patients with chronic pain: A national multifaceted assessment of physicians, pharmacists, and their patients.
- Addiction Rehab: Role of 5-HT(2C) receptor gene variants in antipsychotic-induced weight gain.
- Addiction Rehab: Schizophrenia patients with and without Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have different mood symptom levels but same cognitive functioning.
- Addiction Rehab: Selective presynaptic enhancement of the prefrontal cortex to nucleus accumbens pathway by cocaine.
- Addiction Rehab: Social Deprivation Enhances VTA Synaptic Plasticity and Drug-Induced Contextual Learning.
- Addiction Rehab: Stahl e-mail says he's OK, promises rehab - United Press International
- Addiction Rehab: Stress-related neuropeptides and addictive behaviors: beyond the usual suspects.
- Addiction Rehab: Substance-use disorders in adolescents and adults with ADHD: focus on treatment.
- Addiction Rehab: Task difficulty modulates the impact of emotional stimuli on neural response in cognitive-control regions.
- Addiction Rehab: The ?7nACh-NMDA receptor complex is involved in cue-induced reinstatement of nicotine seeking.
- Addiction Rehab: The analysis of internet addiction scale using multivariate adaptive regression splines.
- Addiction Rehab: The dynamic relationship between social norms and behaviors: the results of an HIV prevention network intervention for injection drug users.
- Addiction Rehab: The Experience of Addiction as Told by the Addicted: Incorporating Biological Understandings into Self-Story.
- Addiction Rehab: The impact of winning and losing on family interactions: a biological approach to family therapy.
- Addiction Rehab: The Journey of Addiction: Barriers to and Facilitators of Drug Use Cessation among Street Children and Youths in Western Kenya.
- Addiction Rehab: The older patient with hypertension: care and cure.
- Addiction Rehab: The pharmacogenetics of antipsychotic-induced adverse events.
- Addiction Rehab: The recovery paradigm - A model of hope and change for alcohol and drug addiction.
- Addiction Rehab: The Selective Dopamine ?-Hydroxylase Inhibitor Nepicastat Attenuates Multiple Aspects of Cocaine-Seeking Behavior.
- Addiction Rehab: Therapeutic Potential of Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors.
- Addiction Rehab: Thorndike's Law 2.0: Dopamine and the Regulation of Thrift.
- Addiction Rehab: Tobacco Addiction and Smoking Status in Heroin Addicts under Methadone vs. Buprenorphine Therapy.
- Addiction Rehab: Tobacco smoking among people living with a psychotic illness: The second Australian survey of psychosis.
- Addiction Rehab: Tobacco Use and Its Treatment Among Young People in Mental Health Settings: A Qualitative Analysis.
- Addiction Rehab: Treatment duration and premature termination of psychotherapy in personality disorders: predictive performance of psychodynamic personality functioning.
- Addiction Rehab: Helps Families Find Detox and Addiction Recovery Facilities Across the United States - YAHOO!
- Addiction Rehab: Tumor resistance to HER2 inhibitors: the drug sedimentation concept.
- Addiction Rehab: Twenty-first century international lawmaking for alcohol control.
- Addiction Rehab: Understanding Success and Nonsuccess in the Drug Court.
- Addiction Rehab: Very long-term outcome of peripheral arterial disease in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary revascularization: a retrospective analysis.
- Addiction Rehab: Voxel-based imaging of translocator protein 18kDa (TSPO) in high-resolution PET.
- Addiction Rehab: Weight-Loss Surgery Increases Risk of Alcohol Addiction - ABC News
- Addiction Rehab: Worming our way to Alzheimer's disease drug discovery.
- Addiction Rehab: Young Adult Smoking Cessation: Predictors of Quit Attempts and Abstinence.
- Addiction Rehab: [Addictive internet use as a comorbid disorder among clients of an adolescent psychiatry - prevalence and psychopathological symptoms].
- Addiction Rehab: [Characteristic features accompanying the development of addiction to drugs].
- Addiction Rehab: [Convulsive crisis in Tramadol and caffeine abusers: about 8 cases and review of the literature].
- Addiction Rehab: [Does really sex addiction exist?].
- Addiction Rehab: [Fatty acids of grape seed oil and its biological activity as 1,0% and 2,5% food-additive;].
- Addiction Rehab: [Integrated treatment of cooccurring mental and substance use disorders in urban populations : the situation in Montréal].
- Addiction Rehab: [Long term effectiveness of methadone maintenance treatments in persons with addiction to opiates].
- Addiction Rehab: [Rapid release fentanyl administration forms : Comments of the Working Group on Tumor Pain of the German Pain Society.]
- Addiction Rehab: [Staging and profiling in addication].
- Addiction Rehab: [The awareness of addictive effect of nicotine --a questionnaire survey of students and employees of CM UMK].
- Addiction Rehab: [The patient with the problem of an alcohol abuse in the family doctor practice].
- Addiction Rehab: [The study of efficacy of the psychotherapy program for relatives of patients with opioid addiction.]
- Addiction Rehab: {triangleup}FosB differentially modulates nucleus accumbens direct and indirect pathway function.
- Addiction to Propofol: A Study of 22 Treatment Cases.
- Addiction: lifestyle choice or medical diagnosis?
- Addiction: Smoking and craving a drink?
- Addictive behaviors related to opioid use for chronic pain: A population-based study.
- Adolescents are more vulnerable to cocaine addiction: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence.
- Age-Related Differences in the Disposition of Nicotine and Metabolites in Rat Brain and Plasma.
- Agomelatine reduces craving in benzodiazepine addicts: a follow-up examination of three patients.
- Alcohol - a Universal Preventive Agent? A Critical Analysis.
- Alcohol craving as a predictor of relapse.
- Alcohol mixed with energy drinks: Are there associated negative consequences beyond hazardous drinking in college students?
- Alcohol use and cerebral white matter compromise in adolescence.
- Amphetamine actions at the serotonin transporter rely on the availability of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate.
- Amphetamine elicits opposing actions on readily releasable and reserve pools for dopamine.
- Amygdala and Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Circuitry: Implications for addiction-related behaviors.
- An amphipathic alpha-helix in the prodomain of cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript Peptide precursor serves as its sorting signal to the regulated secretory pathway.
- An indirect resilience to addiction.
- An integrative review of what contributes to personal recovery in psychiatric disabilities.
- An orexin hotspot in ventral pallidum amplifies hedonic 'liking' for sweetness.
- Anatomical and functional connectivity as a tool to study brain networks in Parkinson's disease.
- Animal models of nicotine exposure: relevance to second-hand smoking, electronic cigarette use, and compulsive smoking.
- ANKK1 and DRD2 pharmacogenetics of disulfiram treatment for cocaine abuse.
- Antecedents and consequences of drug abuse in rats selectively bred for high and low response to novelty.
- Anti-addiction drug ibogaine inhibits voltage-gated ionic currents: A study to assess the drug's cardiac ion channel profile.
- Antiaggressive activity of central oxytocin in male rats.
- Apolipoprotein E {varepsilon}4 Does Not Modulate Amyloid-?-Associated Neurodegeneration in Preclinical Alzheimer Disease.
- Are "bath salts" on your differential list? A case report of delirium and agitation after use of illicit bath salts.
- Aripiprazole for Treating Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Symptoms in Ultrahigh-Risk Individuals.
- ASAM Magazine: The Voice of Addiction Medicine.
- Assay sensitivity and study features in neuropathic pain trials: An ACTTION meta-analysis.
- Assessing the Co-occurring Capability of Mental Health Treatment Programs: the Dual Diagnosis Capability in Mental Health Treatment (DDCMHT) Index.
- Assessing Youth Participation in AA-Related Helping: Validity of the Service to Others in Sobriety (SOS) Questionnaire in an Adolescent Sample.
- Assessment of the abuse of tapentadol immediate release: The first 24 months.
- Assessments of the effects of nicotine and ketamine using tyrosine hydroxylase-green fluorescent protein transgenic zebrafish as biosensors.
- Associated with intrathecal baclofen treatment and duloxetine in patients with multiple sclerosis.
- Association between smoking cessation and short-term health-care utilisation: results from an international prospective cohort study (ATTEMPT).
- Association of abstinence-induced alterations in working memory function and COMT genotype in smokers.
- Association of functional DBH genetic variants with alcohol dependence risk and related depression and suicide attempt phenotypes: Results from a large multicenter association study.
- Association of the iPLA2? gene with bipolar disorder and assessment of its interaction with TRPM2 gene polymorphisms.
- Association of the Neuronal Cell Adhesion Molecule (NrCAM) Gene Variants with Personality Traits and Addictive Symptoms in Methamphetamine Use Disorder.
- Associations between morningness/eveningness and psychopathology: An epidemiological survey in three in-patient psychiatric clinics.
- Authors' response.
- Availability of convenience stores and adolescent alcohol use in Taiwan: a multilevel analysis of national surveys.
- BDNF Over-Expression in the Ventral Tegmental Area Prolongs Social Defeat Stress-induced Cross-Sensitization to Amphetamine and Increases ?FosB Expression in Mesocorticolimbic Regions of Rats.
- Beyond "somatization" and "psychologization": symptom-level variation in depressed Han Chinese and Euro-Canadian outpatients.
- Biomarkers in psychiatry: how close are we?
- Blending research and practice: an evolving dissemination strategy in substance abuse.
- Brain damages in ketamine addicts as revealed by magnetic resonance imaging.
- Brain Nitric Oxide Metabolites in Rats Preselected for Nicotine Preference and Intake.
- Breaking worse: The emergence of krokodil and excessive injuries among people who inject drugs in Eurasia.
- Breath Holding Duration and Self-Reported Smoking Abstinence Intolerance as Predictors of Smoking Lapse Behavior in a Laboratory Analog Task.
- Brief Trauma and Mental Health Assessments for Female Offenders in Addiction Treatment.
- CACNA1C Risk Variant and Amygdala Activity in Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia and Healthy Controls.
- Can MDMA Play a Role in the Treatment of Substance Abuse?
- Can nurses trust nurses in recovery reentering the workplace?
- Cannabinoid and opioid interactions: implications for opiate dependence and withdrawal.
- Cannabinoid receptor 1-expressing neurons in the nucleus accumbens.
- Cannabis use and premorbid functioning as predictors of poorer neurocognition in schizophrenia spectrum disorder.
- Cannabis use, addiction risk and functional impairment in youth seeking treatment for primary mood or anxiety concerns.
- Cardiovascular profile of xanthelasma palpebrarum.
- Caroline Jean Acker on Bruce Alexander's "Addiction: The Urgent Need for a Paradigm Shift".
- Cellular signal mechanisms of reward-related plasticity in the hippocampus.
- Characteristics of Outpatients in an Addictions Clinic for Co-occurring Disorders.
- Characteristics, circumstances and toxicology of sudden or unnatural deaths involving very high range alcohol concentrations.
- Characterization of prescription opioid abuse in the United States: focus on route of administration.
- Chemical probes of endocannabinoid metabolism.
- Chewing khat, an old drug habit that is new in Europe.
- Childhood maltreatment is associated with a sex-dependent functional reorganization of a brain inhibitory control network.
- Cholinergic Control over Attention in Rats Prone to Attribute Incentive Salience to Reward Cues.
- Cholinergic modulation of food and drug satiety and withdrawal.
- Chronic nicotine exposure systemically alters microRNA expression profiles during post-embryonic stages in Caenorhabditis elegans.
- Clinical and Reliable Change in an Australian Residential Substance Use Program Using the Addiction Severity Index.
- Clinical signs of alcohol intoxication and importance of blood alcohol concentration testing in alcohol dependence.
- Clonazepam as agonist substitution treatment for benzodiazepine dependence: a case report.
- CNS BOLD fMRI effects of sham-controlled transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in the left outer auditory canal - A pilot study.
- Cocaine Addiction Treatment and Home Remedies: Use of the Scopolamine Transdermal Patch.
- Cocaine Dependent Individuals and Gamblers Present Different Associative Learning Anomalies in Feedback-Driven Decision Making: A Behavioral and ERP Study.
- Cocaine tolerance in honey bees.
- Cognitive Performance of Individuals With Schizophrenia Across Seven Decades: A Study Using the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery.
- Collaborative care for sick-listed workers with major depressive disorder: a randomised controlled trial from the Netherlands Depression Initiative aimed at return to work and depressive symptoms.
- Collaborative stepped care v. care as usual for common mental disorders: 8-month, cluster randomised controlled trial.
- Commentary on de Vos et?al. (2013): Can ecological trends in HIV or HCV incidence be used to assess intervention impact?
- Commentary on Degenhardt et?al. (2013): Specific effect of adolescent cannabis use on anxiety - tentative explanations.
- Commentary on Hermanns-Clausen et?al. (2013): Spicing things up - the emerging phenomenon of synthetic cannabinoid use.
- Commentary on Maclennan et?al. (2013): Is local alcohol policy possible?
- Commentary on Magill & Longabaugh (2013): Specifying the active ingredients in evidence-based treatments-setting the bar too high?
- Commentary on Richmond et?al. (2013): Cessation treatment for prisoners.
- Commentary on Romano & Pollini (2013): Stopping drug-impaired driving and alcohol-impaired driving-synergy, not competition.
- Commentary on Willemsen et?al. (2013): Increasing demand for smoking cessation on a national level.
- Common mental disorder severity and its association with treatment contact and treatment intensity for mental health problems.
- Comparison of Psychological Symptoms and Serum Levels of Neurotransmitters in Shanghai Adolescents with and without Internet Addiction Disorder: A Case-Control Study.
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