SmashTALK: Parental Guidance
SmashTALK: Parental Guidance
SmashTALK:Parental Guidance, a Southern Smash event dedicated to childhood nutrition and body image, helping parents walk the fine line of instilling healthy…
Study: Nut eaters less likely to die from any cause
Frequent nut consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of major chronic diseases, including heart and blood vessel disorders and Type 2 diabetes. The newest and most convincing findings, reported last month … Those who ate nuts seven or more … Read more on Helena Independent Record
Bra as Emotional Eating Aid, Too Screwed: That's Improbable!
Want to help your patients with their emotional eating? How about a smart bra? If you've ever needed to find an anus, this toilet is for you: "The new-toilet system can capture feces and prevent odor dispersion by adhering tightly to buttocks. For … Read more on MedPage Today
Take steps to prevent a winter heart attack
Take steps to prevent a winter heart attack … Winter weight gain: People tend to eat and drink more and gain more weight during the holiday season and winter months, all of which are hard on the heart and risky for someone with heart disease. So keep … Read more on