Examples :
How does adoption affect your education?
How does homosexuality affect your education?
I need a topic to work on, over the course of 7 weeks.
It can be about anything to do with sociology!
Aka crime, education, families etc.
But it must be interesting….
Nothing cliché and boring, along the lines of what everybody else does.
Best answer:
Answer by Greywolf
How do people percieve the quality of relationships that are exclusively online relationships?
How does amount of friends effect stress levels? (based on self-interpretations of how many friends and the quality of friends they have vs. how much stress they percieve and how quickly they get over a stress incident.)
Those are my best ideas. Good luck! email me if you need suggestions on how to design or measure any of these ideas.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Allentown Rescue Mission ends drug treatment
Filed under: private drug rehabilitation
The decision to end drug treatment was a financial one, said Skip Smith, chairman of the personnel committee of the Rescue Mission's board of directors. Demand for the mission's inpatient treatment program, which it launched in 1997, was dwindling as …
Read more on Allentown Morning Call
Related Private Drug Rehabilitation Information…
Examples :
How does adoption affect your education?
How does homosexuality affect your education?
I need a topic to work on, over the course of 7 weeks.
It can be about anything to do with sociology!
Aka crime, education, families etc.
But it must be interesting….
Nothing cliché and boring, along the lines of what everybody else does.
Best answer:
Answer by Greywolf
How do people percieve the quality of relationships that are exclusively online relationships?
How does amount of friends effect stress levels? (based on self-interpretations of how many friends and the quality of friends they have vs. how much stress they percieve and how quickly they get over a stress incident.)
Those are my best ideas. Good luck! email me if you need suggestions on how to design or measure any of these ideas.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Allentown Rescue Mission ends drug treatment
Filed under: private drug rehabilitation
The decision to end drug treatment was a financial one, said Skip Smith, chairman of the personnel committee of the Rescue Mission's board of directors. Demand for the mission's inpatient treatment program, which it launched in 1997, was dwindling as …
Read more on Allentown Morning Call
Related Private Drug Rehabilitation Information…