Stop Binge Eating With a Personal Check In
Stop Binge Eating With a Personal Check In – Watch this video to learn about a technique I use each day during my bulimia recovery. The personal check in is designed to empower you throughout your day a…
Mika Brzezinski: Why I gained two dress sizes on purpose
After a lifetime of binge eating and purging and exercising excessively, Brzezinski realized that she suffered from a food addiction and wrote the story of her troubles in a new book, “Obsessed.” The tale took root after she had a conversation with one … Read more on (blog)
Top US psychiatrist says he will move away from forthcoming DSM-5
Minor neurocognitive disorder: describes minor memory lapses, such as forgetting where you put your keys. Binge-eating disorder: describes anyone who overeats at least once a week for three consecutive weeks. The DSM also made headlines for removing … Read more on