Capital Health Care: Next Up, Interfaith and HHC
Capital Health Care: Next up, Interfaith and HHC
TODAY'S TIP –- Comes from HHC, which reminds us “ask your doctor for written materials to learn more about your diagnosis or medical tests.” STUDY THIS: … Previous studies have found that… Continue reading
Dying on LSD, Shrooms, Heroine, Cocaine.?
Question by Destiny: Dying on LSD, shrooms, heroine, cocaine.?
does anyone know any freaky or sad stories about people you know or herd of that died while on hard drugs? I dont need names or anything. I want to scare… Continue reading
Why Sororities and Fraternities Should Be Banned. Facts/Statistics.?
Question by Laura b: Why Sororities and Fraternities should be banned. Facts/Statistics.?
I am doing a pro/con debate in my public speaking class on why social fraternities and sororities should be banned. I have been searching all over and have… Continue reading
Creating Rehab Program
Creating rehab program
Read An Excerpt: 'Mad As Hell'
The treatment, about an older man being forced out of a printing job, earned Chayefsky a $ 25,000 option from 20th Century–Fox and a $ 250-a-week job at the… Continue reading
Briefs: Herndon Pleads Not Guilty
Briefs: Herndon pleads not guilty
Project Search began in Cincinnati Ohio in 1996 at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and has since spread across the United States, including Kansas. Project Search is a one-year internship program for persons with …… Continue reading
“Bad Day' Turns Into 30 Years
“Bad day' turns into 30 years
“Bad day' turns into 30 years. web1_Whitaker-sentencing_1.jpg. Forty-two year-old Eric Whitaker, center, was sentenced to 30 years in prison by Maury County Circuit Court Judge Stella Hargrove Tuesday afternoon in Columbia. Whitaker was found… Continue reading
Swimming With Dolphins in Treating Depression
Swimming with Dolphins in Treating Depression
Dr. Pratt discussing how swimming with dolphins can favorably effect mood in humans on ABC, San Diego News.
Jackson is in for the long haul to help injury charity
He continued to… Continue reading
Representative Trey Radel Resigned Follwoing Cocaine Scandal
Representative Trey Radel resigned follwoing cocaine scandal
But Radel had pledged to stay in office after taking a leave of absence and completing a monthlong in-patient treatment program for drug and alcohol abuse. In a defiant prime-time news conference last… Continue reading
Drug Detox Center | Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation | Drug Detox Center
Drug Detox Center | Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation | Drug Detox Center Drug Detox Center plans concentrate on drug and alcohol abuse by utilizing counseling, sober housing, detox in Oklahoma, an…
One plan for former Roche property… Continue reading
Drug Rehabilitation Centers | Long Term Drug Treatment | Drug Rehabilitation Centers
Drug Rehabilitation Centers | Long term Drug Treatment | Drug Rehabilitation Centers Drug Rehabilitation Centers concentrate on drug and alcohol abuse through therapy, sober housing, detox in Oklahoma, and more. Cal…
Springsteen gets lost: The rootlessness of… Continue reading