alcohol consumption

[Diagnosis and the Dynamics of Alcoholism in the Elderly.]

[Diagnosis and the dynamics of alcoholism in the elderly.]

Zh Nevrol Psikhiatr Im S S Korsakova. 2013; 113(6 Vypusk 2 Alkogolizm): 43-46
Krivulin EN, Mingazov AK, Bokhan NA

A comprehensive clinical examination of 462 patients (391 men and 71… Continue reading

Trace Amine Associated Receptor 1 Modulates Behavioral Effects of Ethanol.

Trace amine associated receptor 1 modulates behavioral effects of ethanol.

Subst Abuse. 2013; 7: 117-26
Lynch LJ, Sullivan KA, Vallender EJ, Rowlett JK, Platt DM, Miller GM

Few treatment options for alcohol use disorders (AUDs) exist and more are… Continue reading

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Recovery From Addiction: Making the Successful Transition Back to Health.

Recovery from addiction: making the successful transition back to health.

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Zopolrestat as a Human Glyoxalase?I Inhibitor and Its Structural Basis.

Zopolrestat as a Human Glyoxalase?I Inhibitor and Its Structural Basis.

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Aesthetic Rehabilitation With Multiple Loop Connectors.

Aesthetic rehabilitation with multiple loop connectors.

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Antidepressant Utilization and Suicide in Europe: An Ecological Multi-National Study.

Antidepressant Utilization and Suicide in Europe: An Ecological Multi-National Study.

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Decreased Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number in the Hippocampus and Peripheral Blood During Opiate Addiction Is Mediated by Autophagy and Can Be Salvaged by Melatonin.

Decreased mitochondrial DNA copy number in the hippocampus and peripheral blood during opiate addiction is mediated by autophagy and can be salvaged by melatonin.

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Fire Eater’s Lung: Retrospective Analysis of 123 Cases Reported to a National Poison Center.

Fire Eater’s Lung: Retrospective Analysis of 123 Cases Reported to a National Poison Center.

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Franzen D, Kohler M, Degrandi C, Kullak-Ublick GA, Ceschi A

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