alcohol rehab

What Is This Drug?

Question by nickson faction: What is this drug?
I see on heaps of american movies people refering to ludes or lids?I know its drugs but what drugs?

Best answer:

Answer by Frits R

Answer by told_wife_checking_mail
Quaalude (Methaqualone)… Continue reading

A Sobering Story: Addicts Must Confront Their Demons, Experts Say

A Sobering Story: Addicts must confront their demons, experts say
Caron is a nationally recognized, nonprofit organization that provides treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction. In addition to Berks County, it has treatment centers in Florida and Texas. Ferrero knows… Continue reading

Aid in Recovery Comments on Recent Vote in Maine Aimed at Funding More

Aid in Recovery Comments on Recent Vote in Maine Aimed at Funding More
Aid in Recovery, a full service drug and alcohol rehabilitation center servicing South Florida, released a statement today commenting on a recent report detailing the Maine… Continue reading

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Austin TX Call (512) 697 8600 Rehabilitation Center in Austin

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Austin TX Call (512) 697 8600 Rehabilitation Center in Austin — Rehabilitation Center Austin TX – Call (512) 697-8600 Rehabilitation Center in Austin Rehabilitation Center in Austin TX is one. Rehabilitation Center Austin…

The price of… Continue reading

Can a Person Drink Alcohol After Recovery for an Unrelated Drug Additction?

Question by : Can a person drink alcohol after recovery for an unrelated drug additction?
My friend just got out of rehab for Suboxone and crack cocaine abuse about a month ago after checking in voluntarily having realized he needed… Continue reading

Synanon's Sober Utopia: How a Drug Rehab Program Became a Violent Cult

Synanon's Sober Utopia: How A Drug Rehab Program Became A Violent Cult
Some observers claim that fewer than 70 people in Synanon's entire existence — of the thousands who sought treatment — could reasonably have been claimed as rehabilitated, though… Continue reading

Women’s Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centre Testimonial | Nicole

Women’s Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centre Testimonial | Nicole — Women’s Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centre. Women Into Healing is a drug and alc…

Push for improved security at mandatory alcohol rehabilitation centres
The Tennant Creek sobering-up centre is… Continue reading

If an Alcoholic Does Not Seek Alcohol Rehabilitation, What Are the Risks?

alcohol rehabilitation treatment
by mira66

Question by angela s: If an alcoholic does not seek alcohol rehabilitation, what are the risks?
I know quite a number of people (some of them are my friends) who are alcoholics and do not seem to have… Continue reading

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board
No fees. UnityPoint Health – St. Luke's Outpatient Behavioral Health Program, 9 a.m. to noon Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, on the fifth floor of St. Luke's, 2720 Stone Park Blvd. Provides support and integrated treatment to individuals experiencing …… Continue reading

Mental Rehabilitation Hospital: In-Patient Facility?

alcohol rehabilitation facilities
by tlupic

Question by syedmanzarny: Mental rehabilitation hospital: In-patient facility?
Can some one guide me for a specialized in complete in-paitient mental rehab facility for my brother who has bipolar/alcohol problem. I will prefer soem place in India or far… Continue reading