Depression Treatments?
Question by : Depression treatments?
Hi everyone,
I have had some serious problems with depression for many years now. I was on antidepressants which did help a little bit but I had to… Continue reading
Can You Heal From Depression? (1 on 1 With a Depression Counselor Ep. 4 )
Can You Heal From Depression? (1 on 1 With a Depression Counselor Ep. 4 ) — Please SHARE, LIKE, COMMENT, and even FAVORITE THIS VIDEO if you found it useful or if you know somebody who it may benefit. Thank… Continue reading
What Is Clinic Depression?
Question by : what is clinic depression?
Best answer:
Answer by shortcake
Clinical depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. It means you can become depressed for no reason at all. It’s not like the… Continue reading
Why Do People Take Depression Medication?
Question by tfun: Why do people take depression medication?
I’m currently struggling with depression and I don’t know what to do.. I’ve never felt like this before in my life so it’s very scary to finally acknowledge that… Continue reading
Course Offers Help to Vicitms of Manic Depression
Course offers help to vicitms of manic depression
BRIDPORT residents living with bipolar disorder can attend a 12-week course run by Dorset HealthCare every Wednesday from May 7 until July 30. The course will cover issues including stress management, its… Continue reading
Obesity Is Affecting Our Childhood Population at an Alarming Rate
Obesity Is Affecting Our Childhood Population At An Alarming Rate
Recent studies have shown the relationship between negative emotions and loss of control, it is significantly related to symptoms of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents seeking treatment (Goossens,… Continue reading
SEVERE Anxiety/depression?!?! PLEASE HELP!?
Question by .: SEVERE anxiety/depression?!?! PLEASE HELP!?
Hello, and thanks for reading this.
I suffer from:
-Semi often panic attacks
– Slight depersonalization and mostly derealization
– Anxiety
– Depression
I have been getting this on and off… Continue reading
Can You Give Me Some Information on Depression?
Question by TOmmie: Can you give me some information on depression?
Someone I know has been diagnosed with some sort of Depression disorder. She tried to kill herself by taking a lot of pills. She… Continue reading
Is Medication Honestly the Best Cure for Anxiety and Depression?
Question by . .: Is medication honestly the best cure for anxiety and depression?
Im scared to take medication for my problem. Please serious answers only
@Karen: Ive gone through that route with Xanax and had even… Continue reading
Mom Sues Psychiatric Prison, Alleges Son Isolated for 6300 Hours, Shackled to Bed
Mom sues psychiatric prison, alleges son isolated for 6300 hours, shackled to bed
The March 31 lawsuit, which was obtained by, alleges that staff have isolated her son in a locked seclusion room at the intensive-treatment unit for at… Continue reading