Associate Professor

Stanford’s Sapolsky on Depression in U.S. (Full Lecture)

...  stomachaches, headaches or feeling dizzy. Nearly 65 percent of students in the group that the researchers termed … NIH is the … Read more on National Institutes of Health (press release)Biomarkers May Predict Treatment Response in Depression "I… Continue reading

What Psychologically Will Cause a Person to Worry Needlessly?

...  and maybe some obsessive complusive disorder (OCD). Here’s some info on anxiety disorders and OCD. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent group of psychiatric disorders in the United States. Approximately 27 million Americans–nearly 15 percent of the population–will suffer… Continue reading

Public Lecture: New Approaches to Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder (Part 1 of 4)

...  Lecture: New Approaches to Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder (Part 1 of 4) – This lecture titled “New Approaches to Treatment of Depression and Bipolar Disorder” was presented by Dr. Husseini Manji who is the Global Head of… Continue reading

Are We in a Depression?

...  In A Depression? – A hard look at the economic evidence and how it conflicts with mainstream media, and government reports, about the current health of the US and world economy.   Many People Treated For Depression In The… Continue reading

(5/13) Code 21: A Semi-Fiction of the Hospital Psychiatric Ward

...  to hear from you! Filmed by GaleRazorwind of Razorwind studios. Contact him at his youtube account, GaleRazorwind, for design, programming assistance, and Twin Cities area filming jobs.   3 local hospitals join forces to halt bullying, other threats Filed… Continue reading

How to Tell if It’s Depression or Dementia

...  to Tell if It’s Depression or Dementia – In this video, Kenneth Robbins, MD, clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, talks about the difference between dementia and elderly depression. Both diseases affect concentration, motivation and… Continue reading

TEDxSanAntonio Carolyn Becker Combating Body Dissatisfaction the Destructive Impact

...  The Destructive Impact – Speaker: Carolyn Becker, PhD Title of talk: Combating Body Dissatisfaction: The Destructive Impact About this talk: Imagine all the people in the world you know who hate their bodies and add up all the hours… Continue reading

The Nutritional Approach to Anxiety and Depression

...  in managing these conditions. ———- Presenter: Chad Krier, ND, DC Download: ———- TheRiordan Clinic is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization focused on orthomolecular medicine, health education and health research. To learn more about the Riordan Clinic or to make… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Description and Predictive Factors of Individual Outcomes in a Refugee cAMP Based Mental Health Intervention (Beirut, Lebanon).

...  and its outcome. To understand this controversy, a sociological study involving 27 semi-structured interviews was carried out. From these interviews emerged three areas of controversy: alteration of the identity of the plant, alteration of the identity of its territory,… Continue reading

Depression Symptoms in Men

...  Symptoms in Men – Dr. John Ogrodniczuk is an Associate Professor and Associate Director (Research) of the Psychotherapy Program in the Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia   How battle rap helped me deal with depression Filed under:… Continue reading