Why Am I Depressed? Important for All to Hear!
Why am I Depressed? Important for All to Hear!
Why Am I Depressed? — http://www.noahhammond.com DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this video are intended for entertainment purposes only. The content of …
School shooting suspect had criminal record,… Continue reading
Association of Functional DBH Genetic Variants With Alcohol Dependence Risk and Related Depression and Suicide Attempt Phenotypes: Results From a Large Multicenter Association Study.
Association of functional DBH genetic variants with alcohol dependence risk and related depression and suicide attempt phenotypes: Results from a large multicenter association study.
Drug Alcohol Depend. 2013 Jul 30;
Preuss UW, Wurst FM, Ridinger M, Rujescu D, Fehr… Continue reading
Association Between Ward-Specific Antimicrobial Use Density and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcu Aureus Surveillance: A 60-Month Study.
Association between ward-specific antimicrobial use density and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcu aureus surveillance: a 60-month study.
Infect Drug Resist. 2013; 6: 59-66
Yoshida J, Kikuchi T, Matsubara N, Asano I, Ogami N
It is not known whether or not ward-specific antimicrobial… Continue reading
Daddys’ Girl (Original)
Daddys’ Girl (Original)
Not too sure where this one came from… hope you guys like it. Lyrics below 🙂 Happy Summer!!!! -Shelby- LYRICS: (Verse 1) She’s so beautiful, looks like a …
Benefit to aid child battling life-threatening… Continue reading
Could 'Listening to Your Body' Help You Lose Weight?
Could 'listening to your body' help you lose weight?
I asked him whether he thought IA influences our eating habits. “Studies have shown that interoception plays an important role in eating disorders,” he told me. “It's linked to a deeper… Continue reading
Monday Medical: Home Sleep Studies Now Offered
Monday Medical: Home sleep studies now offered
Sleep is a vital part of good health, just like eating, drinking and breathing. Getting enough quality sleep is … “Recent research shows that sleep disorders may be one cause of attention deficit… Continue reading
Factors Predicting Physical Activity Among Children With Special Needs.
Factors predicting physical activity among children with special needs.
Prev Chronic Dis. 2013; 10: E119
Yazdani S, Yee CT, Chung PJ
Obesity is especially prevalent among children with special needs. Both lack of physical activity and unhealthful eating are… Continue reading
Rationale, Timeline, Study Design, and Protocol Overview of the Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Trials.
Rationale, Timeline, Study Design, and Protocol Overview of the Therapeutic Hypothermia After Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Trials.
Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2013 Jul 9;
Moler FW, Silverstein FS, Meert KL, Clark AE, Holubkov R, Browning B, Slomine BS, Christensen JR,… Continue reading