brain stimulation

Noninvasive Strategies to Promote Functional Recovery After Stroke.

Noninvasive strategies to promote functional recovery after stroke.

Neural Plast. 2013; 2013: 854597
Faralli A, Bigoni M, Mauro A, Rossi F, Carulli D

Stroke is a common and disabling global health-care problem, which is the third most common cause… Continue reading

Inquest: Mother From Grantham Took Her Own Life After Battle With Severe

Inquest: Mother from Grantham took her own life after battle with severe
The mother of a six-year-old girl hung herself in the loft of her Grantham home after suffering severe depression. Beata Czajka, 31, of Wallwork Mews, Grantham, was… Continue reading

Aspen Plus(®) and Economic Modeling of Equine Waste Utilization For Localized Hot Water Heating via Fast Pyrolysis.

Aspen Plus(®) and economic modeling of equine waste utilization for localized hot water heating via fast pyrolysis.

J Environ Manage. 2013 Jul 8; 128C: 594-601
Hammer NL, Boateng AA, Mullen CA, Wheeler MC

Aspen Plus(®) based simulation models… Continue reading

Task-Specific Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Motor Learning.

Task-Specific Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Motor Learning.

Front Hum Neurosci. 2013; 7: 333
Saucedo Marquez CM, Zhang X, Swinnen SP, Meesen R, Wenderoth N

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a relatively new non-invasive brain stimulation… Continue reading

The Effects of Practice on the Concurrent Performance of a Speech and Postural Task in Persons With Parkinson Disease and Healthy Controls.

The effects of practice on the concurrent performance of a speech and postural task in persons with Parkinson disease and healthy controls.

Parkinsons Dis. 2013; 2013: 987621
Foreman KB, Sondrup S, Dromey C, Jarvis E, Nissen S, Dibble LE… Continue reading

Offspring of Mothers Who Had Antenatal Depression and Experienced Maltreatment in Childhood Are More Likely to Experience Child Maltreatment Themselves.

Offspring of mothers who had antenatal depression and experienced maltreatment in childhood are more likely to experience child maltreatment themselves.

Evid Based Nurs. 2013 Jul 4;
Capaldi DM

HubMed – depression


A new translational target for deep brain… Continue reading

Quantitative Estimation of Muscle Shear Elastic Modulus of the Upper Trapezius With Supersonic Shear Imaging During Arm Positioning.

Quantitative Estimation of Muscle Shear Elastic Modulus of the Upper Trapezius with Supersonic Shear Imaging during Arm Positioning.

PLoS One. 2013; 8(6): e67199
Leong HT, Ng GY, Leung VY, Fu SN

Pain and tenderness of the upper trapezius are… Continue reading

Binge Eating Disorder ¦ Treatment and Symptoms


Binge Eating Disorder ¦ Treatment and Symptoms – ? Binge eating disorder treatment — Finding the right information about binge eating disorder treatment & symptoms, is cr…


Deep Brain Stimulation Resets Metabolism in Morbidly Obese Patients
Can… Continue reading

Imbalance in the Sensitivity to Different Types of Rewards in Pathological Gambling.

Imbalance in the sensitivity to different types of rewards in pathological gambling.

Brain. 2013 Jun 11;
Sescousse G, Barbalat G, Domenech P, Dreher JC

Pathological gambling is an addictive disorder characterized by a persistent and compulsive desire to engage… Continue reading

Which Are the Two Effective Treatments for Depression?


Which are the two effective treatments for depression? – Depression is a mood disorder. In the video, smart kid reveals two effective treatments for depression! These really work!


'Viagra for women' promises boost of satisfaction in bed, critics… Continue reading