Compulsive Overeating

Addiction Rehab: Increased Vulnerability to Cocaine in Mice Lacking Dopamine D3 Receptors.

Increased vulnerability to cocaine in mice lacking dopamine D3 receptors.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 8;
Song R, Zhang HY, Li X, Bi GH, Gardner EL, Xi ZX

Neuroimaging studies using… Continue reading

Binge Eating Disorder Video (My Secret Food Addiction) | Eating Disorders & Food Addiction


Binge Eating Disorder Video (my secret food addiction) | Eating Disorders & Food Addiction – My personal Binge Eating Disorder video telling my story of my struggles with Binge Eating Disorder, the foods I binged on, and how… Continue reading

Mirtazapine, and Mirtazapine-Like Compounds as Possible Pharmacotherapy for Substance Abuse Disorders: Evidence From the Bench and the Bedside.

Mirtazapine, and mirtazapine-like compounds as possible pharmacotherapy for substance abuse disorders: Evidence from the bench and the bedside.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Aug 29;
Graves SM, Rafeyan R, Watts J, Napier TC

Understanding substance use disorders… Continue reading

I Want Residential Therapy…..?

Question by : I want residential therapy…..?
So my parents are taking me to a “counselor” on Thursday. They don’t really think anything is wrong, I mean they kno I usedto self harm but they thought I stopped (which I… Continue reading

Tooth Surface Loss and Associated Risk Factors in Northern Saudi Arabia.

Tooth surface loss and associated risk factors in northern saudi arabia.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

ISRN Dent. 2012; 2012: 161565
Al-Zarea BK

Aim. To evaluate tooth surface loss (TSL) severity and associated risk factors in a representative sample of… Continue reading

Do “Mental Illnesses” Really Exist?

Question by : Do “mental illnesses” really exist?
I don’t think they do. I think what exists is emotional pain, which people express in a variety of ways, like having mood swings (“depression”), being nervous (“anxiety disorder”), controlling food (“eating… Continue reading

Over Eating Disorders: Compulsive Overeating Eating Disorder

Compulsive overeating is an eating disorder whereby you have a strong addiction to food. Just like all other types of addictions, when you suffer from compulsive overeating, you constantly crave for food even though you do not need… Continue reading

Is the Media to Blame for Eating Disorders?

Question by Pitso: Is the media to blame for eating disorders?
“Okay, so we all want to hear how Calvin Klein is the culprit and that the emaciated waif look has caused women to tale-spin into the world of… Continue reading

Eating Disorders Rehab: Prices of Rehab for Eating Disorder

Trying to arrange help for someone with an eating disorder is sometimes very frustrating as not all rehabilitation centres accept insurance plans and many people cannot afford the high medical costs. Many of the health insurance plans also tend to… Continue reading

What’s the First Thing Most People Think of When They Hear “anorexia” or “bulimia”?

Question by Mango: What’s the first thing most people think of when they hear “anorexia” or “bulimia”?
Just wondering what the general population’s impression of those two eating disorders is… =)

Best answer:

Answer by Juneee!
Skinny… Continue reading