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[Natural Methods of Getting Back to Life Without Addictions].

...  methods of getting back to life without addictions]. Filed under: Addiction Rehab Przegl Lek. 2012; 69(10): 1118-21Kozak I The objective of this article is to examine natural methods, which in conjunction with conventional means, may help in healing… Continue reading

Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers in Colorado | Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado

...  Rehabilitation Centers in Colorado | Inpatient Alcohol Rehabilitation in Colorado – Drug, alcohol, and prescription drugs addiction is treated at Drug Treatment Colorado’s residential facility in Colorado using therapy, aftercare, detox, sober living assistance, and more. http  … Continue reading

Rehab Centers: Outcomes of Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Octogenarians.

...  of Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement in Octogenarians. Filed under: Rehab Centers Heart Lung Circ. 2013 Feb 16; Harris RS, Yan TD, Black D, Bannon PG, Bayfield MS, Hendel PN, Wilson MK, Vallely MP BACKGROUND: In the era of… Continue reading

Sedation and Monitoring for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

...  and monitoring for gastrointestinal endoscopy. Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation World J Gastrointest Endosc. 2013 Feb 16; 5(2): 47-55Amornyotin S The safe sedation of patients for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures requires a combination of properly trained physicians… Continue reading


...  DEPRESSIVE DISORDER IN VULNERABLE GROUPS OF OLDER ADULTS, THEIR COURSE AND TREATMENT, AND PSYCHIATRIC COMORBIDITY. Filed under: Depression Treatment Depress Anxiety. 2013 Feb 19; Chou KL, Cheung KC BACKGROUND: Although a number of epidemiology studies of major depressive… Continue reading

[Respiratory Complications in Patients With Nicotine Addiction].

...  complications in patients with nicotine addiction]. Filed under: Addiction Rehab Przegl Lek. 2012; 69(10): 1170-2Tamowicz B, Mikstacki A Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is one of major causes of chronic morbidity and mortality both in Poland and throughout… Continue reading

Rehab Centers: Simultaneous Reconstruction of Extensor Mechanism in the Free Transfer of Vascularized Proximal Interphalangeal Joint.

...  reconstruction of extensor mechanism in the free transfer of vascularized proximal interphalangeal joint. Filed under: Rehab Centers Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2013 Mar; 17(1): 20-4Lin YT, Kao DS, Wan DC, Lien SH, Lin CH, Wei FC From… Continue reading

Eating Disorders: The Woman in the Mirror: How to Stop Confusing What You Look Like With Who You Are.

...  woman in the mirror: how to stop confusing what you look like with who you are. Filed under: Eating Disorders Eat Disord. 2013 Mar; 21(2): 175-6Parekh RJHubMed – eating   Insecure attachment and disordered eating in women:… Continue reading

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation: Protein-Chemical Interaction Prediction via Kernelized Sparse Learning Svm.

...  interaction prediction via kernelized sparse learning svm. Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Pac Symp Biocomput. 2013; 41-52Shi Y, Zhang X, Liao X, Lin G, Schuurmans D Given the difficulty of experimental determination of drug-protein interactions, there is… Continue reading

Knowledge, Perceptions and Thoughts of Stroke Among Arab- Muslim Israelis.

...  perceptions and thoughts of stroke among Arab- Muslim Israelis. Filed under: Depression Treatment Eur J Cardiovasc Nurs. 2013 Feb 19; Itzhaki M, Koton S Background:Age-adjusted stroke mortality rates in Israel are higher among Arabs compared with Jews; therefore,… Continue reading