Drug Rehab Sacramento California | California Drug Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Sacramento California
Drug Rehab Sacramento California | California Drug Rehab Centers | Drug Rehab Sacramento California – sacramentorehab.net Drug Rehab Sacramento California offers detox, counseling, and more for alcohol, drug, and pharmaceuticals dependency in residential facility in Sacramento, CA. Call 877-281-6143… Continue reading
Rehab Centers: Open Kinetic Chain Exercises in a Restricted Range of Motion After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Open Kinetic Chain Exercises in a Restricted Range of Motion After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
Filed under: Rehab Centers
Am J Sports Med. 2013 Feb 19;
Fukuda TY, Fingerhut D, Moreira VC, Camarini PM,… Continue reading
Headless, Hungry, and Unhealthy: A Video Content Analysis of Obese Persons Portrayed in Online News.
Headless, Hungry, and Unhealthy: A Video Content Analysis of Obese Persons Portrayed in Online News.
Filed under: Eating Disorders
J Health Commun. 2013 Feb 19;
Puhl RM, Peterson JL, Depierre JA, Luedicke J
The news media has substantial influence… Continue reading
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation: Evaluation of Linear Classifiers on Articles Containing Pharmacokinetic Evidence of Drug-Drug Interactions.
Evaluation of linear classifiers on articles containing pharmacokinetic evidence of drug-drug interactions.
Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
Pac Symp Biocomput. 2013; 409-20
Kolchinsky A, Lourenço A, Li L, Rocha LM
Background. Drug-drug interaction (DDI) is a major cause… Continue reading
The Association of Smoking Status With Sleep Disturbance, Psychological Functioning, and Pain Severity in Patients With Temporomandibular Disorders.
The association of smoking status with sleep disturbance, psychological functioning, and pain severity in patients with temporomandibular disorders.
Filed under: Depression Treatment
J Orofac Pain. 2013; 27(1): 32-41
de Leeuw R, Eisenlohr-Moul T, Bertrand P
Aims: To evaluate the… Continue reading
Guidelines for Vocational Evaluation Following Burns: Integrated Review of Relevant Process and Factors.
Guidelines for Vocational Evaluation Following Burns: Integrated Review of Relevant Process and Factors.
Filed under: Rehab Centers
J Occup Rehabil. 2013 Feb 20;
Stergiou-Kita M, Grigorovich A
Purpose A systematic literature review was undertaken to gather evidence to develop… Continue reading