Illinois Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab Centers Illinois | Illinois Treatment Centers
Illinois Treatment Centers | Drug Rehab Centers Illinois | Illinois Treatment Centers Illinois Treatment Centers address drug and alcohol abuse with counseling, sober living accommodations, Illinois detox servic…
DEATH NOTICE: Claude Murray Morse
Claude Murray Morse, 81,… Continue reading
Causes of Job Stress in Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Causes of job stress in nurses: A cross-sectional study.
Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2012 May; 17(4): 301-5
Najimi A, Goudarzi AM, Sharifirad G
Nursing is naturally a stressful job. Stress in nurses can cause depression, isolation from patients,… Continue reading
Effectiveness of a Health Professional Training Program for Treatment of Tobacco Addiction.
Effectiveness of a Health Professional Training Program for Treatment of Tobacco Addiction.
Nicotine Tob Res. 2013 Apr 1;
Olano-Espinosa E, Matilla-Pardo B, Minué C, Antón E, Gómez-Gascón T, Ayesta FJ
INTRODUCTION: Advice can have a small but clinically important effect in promoting smoking cessation. Where studied, the rate of delivery has been found to be low. Training has been found to increases this rates, but there is little research on effectiveness in terms of smoking cessation rates. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an health professionals educational program to increase long-term rates of nicotine abstinence in smoking outpatients. METHODS: We conducted a pragmatic cluster-randomized, controlled trial in 35 primary health care centers in Spain. Participants were all 830 health professionals who attended 5,970 smokers during recruiting period. After that we measured continuous abstinence 6 months after the intervention and biochemically validated (saliva cotinine test) 1 year following intervention. Cost-effectiveness was measured in terms of cost per life year gained. RESULTS: After 6 months, the rate of continuous abstinence was significantly higher in the intervention group (2.1% vs. 0.3%, p > .0001) with an odds ratio of 6.5 (95% CI… Continue reading
Outpatient Alcohol Rehab – See This Now
Outpatient Alcohol Rehab – See This Now – Visit: – Outpatient Alcohol Rehab — Alcohol Addiction Recover Rehabilitation treatment center for Young Adults 18-28.Alcohol Addiction Rehab Rehab Center & Long-Term Recovery. High End Residential CareAlcohol Treatment You Don’t… Continue reading
Addiction Rehab: Amphetamine Paradoxically Augments Exocytotic Dopamine Release and Phasic Dopamine Signals.
Amphetamine paradoxically augments exocytotic dopamine release and phasic dopamine signals.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
J Neurosci. 2013 Jan 9; 33(2): 452-63
Daberkow DP, Brown HD, Bunner KD, Kraniotis SA, Doellman MA, Ragozzino ME, Garris PA, Roitman MF
Drugs of… Continue reading