Health care

BioCorRx Backs Alcohol-Suppression Implant With Rehab Program

BioCorRx backs alcohol-suppression implant with rehab program
… professionally, people with delerium tremens have a mortality rate of more than 10 percent, so detoxification from late-stage alcoholism should be administered under the care of an experienced doctor and may require… Continue reading

Art Auction to Support Local Drug, Rehab Center

Art auction to support local drug, rehab center
A newly formed women's service group will hold an art auction on Saturday at the Multi-Generational Center at 2280 Newburg Road in Fortuna. Admission is free and the doors open for… Continue reading

Center for Discovery Expert to Discuss Eating Disorders on Sunday Mornings

Center for Discovery Expert to Discuss Eating Disorders on Sunday Mornings
Ms. Meyers, a licensed professional counselor, has extensive experience in the treatment of adolescents with eating disorders and will be discussing these disorders and their effect on adolescents… Continue reading

Datebook: Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Datebook: Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Breastfeeding Mothers Support Group, 10 a.m. today, Longview Regional Medical Center, 709 Building, third floor, Cardiac Rehab Classroom, 2901 N. Fourth St., Longview. … Members: free; nonmembers: $ 5. Longview Toastmaster, Toastmasters International …
Read… Continue reading

Lets Chat: Depression

Lets Chat: Depression — Hey guys, So this is the first video in my mini ‘lets chat’ serie, I’m hoping to do these for a few weeks so if theres anything you want covered leave it bel…

A Virtual Iron… Continue reading

Does Anyone Know a Good Therapist for Eating Disorder in New York?

Question by Jasmine S: Does anyone know a good therapist for eating disorder in New York?
I have a problem with binge eating.
I want to be free from this.
But it is… Continue reading

Anorexia Rehab Center, Where Can I Find a Place Aroudn Ny Nj Area?

Question by jmncvx7: Anorexia rehab center, where can i find a place aroudn ny nj area?
looking for a recovery center that takes people who are anorexic an or bulimic.

Best answer:

Answer by ellieeee
i went to Somerset Medical… Continue reading

How Mining Companies Have Underperformed Commodities Markets

How Mining Companies Have Underperformed Commodities Markets
Shareholders of a mining company must be aware of the many aspects of the business and willing to make a long-term investment commitment. Investment returns on mining stocks … Trading commodities, on the… Continue reading

ADA Obligations of Health Providers Are Magnified by ACA

ADA Obligations Of Health Providers Are Magnified By ACA
Like all other public accommodations, health care providers are charged under the ADA with the legal obligation to make their goods, services, accommodations and facilities accessible to individuals with disabilities; make… Continue reading

Depression Treatments?

Question by stunnin_always: depression treatments?
Im a 19 year old girk and I have everything to live for (a suipportive mum and dad, great boyfriend, money, a university place etc)but I still feel unhappy.
Its like I… Continue reading