Mt. Ascutney to Upgrade Rehab Program
Mt. Ascutney to Upgrade Rehab Program
Now, we will have really good care in a nice facility.” Mt. Ascutney has offered inpatient rehabilitation care for decades, and it is one of only two rehab options for acute patients in Vermont,… Continue reading
Shutdown Impact: A Few National Parks Reopen
Shutdown impact: A few national parks reopen
The Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say they can handle recalls and high-risk foodborne outbreaks, but discovering them will be more difficult because many of the people… Continue reading
New Idea: More Than Sports
New Idea: More Than Sports
Oppenheim said he gave the most input on the educational drop-in/reengagement center, where he suggests that credit recovery and GED classes be included, as well as a place for young people suspended from school to… Continue reading
INTEGRIS Baptist Regional Health Center
INTEGRIS Baptist Regional Health Center
Since 1919, INTEGRIS Baptist Regional Health Center has been providing medical care to residents of northeast Oklahoma. As a member of INTEGRIS Health, the … The clinic is located at 21 W. Central, next to… Continue reading
YOUTH FIRST: Heed Warning Signs of Depression in Teens
YOUTH FIRST: Heed Warning Signs of Depression in Teens
If you feel your child may be experiencing clinical depression, get help immediately. Call the local mental health center to get an evaluation or United Way's 211 to get linked to… Continue reading
Mary Jane Krietemeyer
Mary Jane Krietemeyer
Memorials may be made to Make-A-Wish Foundation at illinois. September 28, 2013 1 Photo. 9-28 Diemel, Henrietta obit … 26, 2013, at Lakeland Rehabilitation & Health Care Center, Effingham. Funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m.… Continue reading
Mom Says Surgery Quelled Son's Screams
Mom says surgery quelled son's screams
He's also eating and talking more, Dailey said. The surgery is … He said the surgery can help a voice disorder that strains the larynx muscles called spasmodic dysphonia. It's rarely used in the… Continue reading
State Board Closes Gap in Mental-Health Coverage for Public Employees
State Board Closes Gap in Mental-Health Coverage for Public Employees
He also announced that four new lower-cost health plan options would be available to workers, as well as financial incentives of up to $ 250 annually for public employees to… Continue reading
Psychiatry & Therapy Services
Psychiatry & Therapy Services
Aunt Martha’s Health Centers provide access to high quality, cost-effective, affordable primary, behavioral, oral and preventive health care to all people wh…
Eating disorder treatment center opens off 280
Ronda Cannon, executive director for… Continue reading
Wheeler Beats Braves for 3rd Time, Mets Win 5-3
Wheeler beats Braves for 3rd time, Mets win 5-3
Wheeler improved to 3-0 with a 2.89 ERA against the team with the best record in the majors. He is the only pitcher … NOTES: Heyward made a sparkling catch in… Continue reading