Maternal Perception and Attitudes Regarding Healthcare Professionals’ Guidelines on Feeding Practices in the Child’s First Year of Life.
Maternal perception and attitudes regarding healthcare professionals’ guidelines on feeding practices in the child’s first year of life.
J Pediatr (Rio J). 2013 Jul 10;
Broilo MC, Louzada ML, de Lourdes Drachler M, Stenzel LM, Vitolo MR
To evaluate… Continue reading
Targeting Asymptomatic Malaria Infections: Active Surveillance in Control and Elimination.
Targeting Asymptomatic Malaria Infections: Active Surveillance in Control and Elimination.
PLoS Med. 2013 Jun; 10(6): e1001467
Sturrock HJ, Hsiang MS, Cohen JM, Smith DL, Greenhouse B, Bousema T, Gosling RD
Hugh Sturrock and colleagues discuss the role of active… Continue reading
Bidirectional Association Between Weight Change and Depression in Mid-Aged Women: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study.
Bidirectional association between weight change and depression in mid-aged women: a population-based longitudinal study.
Int J Obes (Lond). 2013 Jul 12;
Singh G, Jackson CA, Dobson A, Mishra GD
Background:There is some evidence for a bidirectional association between obesity… Continue reading
Homelessness, Cigarette Smoking, and Desire to Quit: Results From a U.S. National Study.
Homelessness, Cigarette Smoking, and Desire to Quit: Results from a U.S. National Study.
Addiction. 2013 Jul 9;
Baggett TP, Lebrun-Harris LA, Rigotti NA
We determined whether homelessness is associated with cigarette smoking independent of other socioeconomic measures and behavioral… Continue reading
Causes of Job Stress in Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study.
Causes of job stress in nurses: A cross-sectional study.
Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2012 May; 17(4): 301-5
Najimi A, Goudarzi AM, Sharifirad G
Nursing is naturally a stressful job. Stress in nurses can cause depression, isolation from patients,… Continue reading
Neurotoxic Saboteurs: Straws That Break the Hippo’s (Hippocampus) Back Drive Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neurotoxic Saboteurs: Straws that Break the Hippo’s (Hippocampus) Back Drive Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neurotox Res. 2013 Jul 3;
Daulatzai MA
Late onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of progressive cognitive dysfunction and dementia. Despite… Continue reading
Alcohol Treatment Centers in Oklahoma | Detox Centers in Oklahoma
Alcohol Treatment Centers in Oklahoma | Detox Centers in Oklahoma – Alcohol Treatment Centers in Oklahoma addresses drug, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals addiction in Oklahoma by utilizing detox…
Tulsa doctor's disciplinary history comes to light after woman dies… Continue reading